
In Shock

Lucy drew in a shaky breath, "I tried not to leave my house except it was absolutely necessary, like going to school. I avoided Sonia's house or anywhere else I might easily run into him..."

"You didn't tell your parents about it?" Tom asked with a frown.

"I wanted to, but what was I supposed to tell them? I just couldn't bring myself to tell them about it," Lucy said with a shake of her head. 

"And they didn't notice the changes in you? Like you not wanting to go out and stuff?" Tom asked since he knew changes like that would never go unnoticed by his parents. 

"Sonia was almost always in my bedroom with me, so it wasn't a big deal since I've been spending most of my time at her home," Lucy explained with a shrug, and Tom nodded in understanding.

"You are doing that deliberately, aren't you?" Lucy asked curiously as she looked into Tom's face.

"Doing what?" Tom asked innocently.

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