Harry who was sipping from a glass of wine while watching a movie and waiting for sleep to come, looked at the door when he heard the sound of his doorbell. He let out a sigh as he wondered why Tom preferred to use the doorbell even when he knew the door's passcode. He decided to ignore him, hoping he would get the drift and open the door himself, but Tom kept ringing the doorbell.
When Harry got tired of the disturbing sound, he dropped the wineglass on the table and stood up. Once he got to the door he confirmed that his visitor was Tom through the security monitor, before unlocking the door. He returned to the living room without waiting for Tom.
"What took you so long to open the door?" Tom asked with a scowl.
"What stopped you from opening the damn door yourself when you already know the passcode?" Harry fired back, returning his scowl.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: