Tom chuckled to himself as he thought about his conversation with Lucy earlier. The plumber who was working on Lucy's broken basin tap handle turned to look at Tom who was leaning by the bathroom door, and watching him as he worked.
It was the fifth time he had heard Tom laugh since he started working, and he couldn't help but be curious as to what Tom was finding so amusing that made him keep laughing to himself.
Oblivious to the plumber's eyes on him, Tom kept replaying her words in his head, "The sex thing" he chuckled again. Who talks about sex that way? It was even the confidence with which she had said it that amused him most.
"Let's just do it and get it done with. I mean the sex thing," Lucy said looking directly into his eyes.
He had looked at her, trying not to look as surprised as he actually was, "I beg your pardon?" He had asked, wanting to give her time to rethink and rephrase what she had just said.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: