"You want to do what?" Tom's hairstylist asked in surprise the moment Tom told him what he wanted.
"You heard me. I want a more daring haircut. Something that gives off a bad boy vibe. And I also want you to dye my hair to a copper brown color," Tom repeated, making the man look at him as though he had gone crazy. Tom was probably the most gentleman he had ever worked for, and he had been barbing Tom's hair for more than ten years. Never in those ten years had Tom ever asked for something so outrageous.
If Tom had been older he would have thought Tom was probably going through a midlife crisis, but he knew that wasn't the case, so what was wrong? "Why?"
"Because I want to look different. Hurry up, I need to get back to work," Tom said as he dropped on his usual seat while the hairstylist and the few others who knew him kept staring at him in surprise.
"You heard the man, be fast about it!" The owner of the Salon who was attending to someone else instructed the barber.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: