
Meeting, Bold, Generals and New Prime Minister.

(3rd Person POV)

Regin is sitting on a golden throne. While she isn't the Queen of Brune yet, her coronation ceremony will happen next month so she is the future Ruler of Brune and she has the power to act as such. She isn't the Queen only in name, the power is already in her hands.

On her left, the current Prime Minister of Brune, Pierre Badouin, was standing. He is a veteran Minister who served the previous Brune's Ruler, Regin's father, for years. He also advised her and helped her administer the Kingdom of Brune.

On her right, there was the war hero of Brune, Tigrevurmud Vorn and the two vanadis from Zhcted, Ludmila and Eleonora. They were all armed in the hopes of killing Oemitsu vi Britannia and his sister, however, she knew that such a thing is impossible. Oemitsu is too strong for them to assassinate so easily and he will not stand still while they try to kill him.

Besides Oemitsu there was also his sister Shiro, the source of her nightmares... she will not allow her to continue her torment. Tigre has given her hope, seeing the hero of Brune end the civil war gave birth to her dream. Building a more prosperous and stable Brune, as long as he is by her side she can face Shiro. That is what Regin believes.

Suddenly, a Minister announced loudly and clearly to anyone in the Throne room.

"The Duchess, Shiro vi britannia, has arrived!"

The tension in the royal court increased tenfold as soon as those words were said.

"Oh, so he is finally here."

Eleonora commented, her excitement could clearly be felt.

Elen is wearing a silk dress which barres her shoulders and her dress covers her entire body all the way down to her shoes. She was the only one who against the plan of assassinating Oemitsu since she believes that she will eventually claim his head on the battlefield.

While she might have been right, this is a risk that Regin cannot take. If possible, she wants to kill Oemitsu and recover the lands that he took from Brune and Zhcted would be able to retake the fortress of Babel that Oemitsu took from them.

"Shut up, behave yourself! You are a Vanadis, not a mercenary... your behaviour is staining Zhcted's image!"

"What did you say, you midget?"

The other Vanadis, Ludmila, used that opportunity to make fun of her friend/rival.

Mila's regal uniform covers her upper body except her belly button, and her skirt is semi-transparent (see-through), which reveals her light blue underwear. This type of clothing is something that Regin will never be able to wear, the Vanadis all dress with clothes that barely cover them and they have no shame about it.

Their little squabble was cut short by the big doors of the Nice's royal palace opening. Hundreds of nobles entered with 7 individuals leading them all. In front of all of this, Oemitsu was walking side by side with his sister without a care in the world.

"It has been a long time Crown Prince Regnas... oh wait! You are a woman not a man. My mistake... it is Crown Princess Regin now... isn't it?"

Oemitsu's complete disregard for courtesy is a way of saying that he doesn't recognise Regin as a Queen. Besides that, all of the nobles didn't bow in front of the monarch completely destroying Regin's legitimacy as the Queen of Brune. With this, the royal court was now split into two.

Tigre was suprised by this sight. In his eyes, the civil war is over, so they should be working together to fix the Kingdom, instead, they are completely disrespecting their monarch and they are supporting a foreign monarch. This is treason, Regin has the right to execute them all. However, unlike what Tigre thought, Regin did the opposite.

"I am quite sure that you already knew that I was a woman... your majesty."

Oemitsu laughed at her, it looks like she knew how to rule after all. If she demanded the execution of all the nobles another civil war would fire and the one who would benefit is Oemitsu.

"It looks like you are quite fortunate... you managed to survive even after losing a battle in which you had 5 times the number of soldiers. Quite unfortunate for me, I was hoping for your death."

His words shocked everyone in the palace, this was enough to start a war between the two nations. Oemitsu's sister is still a vassal of the Queen of Brune, saying those words could give Regin enough reasons to execute his sister.

"It is settled."

Tigre said out loud as he got his bow ready.

However, before he could do anything Ludmila and Elenora stopped his actions.

"As Regin is right now she cannot pass judgement on Oemitsu's sister. On the contrary, Oemitsu is just declaring the start of a war for power inside the palace."

Ludmila said that, stopping Tigre from doing a stupid action that would cause his death.

If they interfered, it could start a war between Oemitsu and Zhcted... Tigre is not worth that, at least not in Mila's eyes, however, the same could not be said for Elen. Elen doesn't know how to put her duties as a Vanadis as priority. Her selfish desire of wanting to keep Tigre might start a war.

Unknown to them, Oemitsu was already plotting in how to make Elen and Mila his, while an unfortunate accident was on its way to hit Tigre.

"Enough of your jokes, King Oemitsu. I am sure that you couldn't help me since you were busy with other affairs. My father wanted to maintain the good relationship between our two nations and I hope to keep this relations as they are."

Oemitsu instead of responding sat down on the ground, completely disregarding the presence of the Vanadis and the Queen Regin.

"I am quite tired from all the walking, my feet are killing me."

Everyone on the throne room was surprised. Oemitsu had no interest in respecting Regin in any way, he is going out of his way to prove that he has no interest in respecting her.

The nobles of Brune behind him were happy seeing such situation unfold, to them having Oemitsu fight Regin will benefit them. They can remain on the balance between the two factions and reap benefits from both.

"I am tired of this farce, I am leaving."

One of the leading figures, Mo Bu has stood up an walked directly to the exit.

"Mo Bu, you are in a royal court and in front of our King, you have no right to storm off whenever you wish."

Kyokai another of the leading figures stopped Mo Bu in his tracks. Mo Bu turned his attention to Kyoukai.

"Who do you think you are talking to Kyoukai?"

Kyoukai didn't back down even in front of a huge man like Mo Bu.

Their pressure was making everyone sweat, the nobles around them spread out afraid to get caught in the crossfire. Tigre was looking at their interaction with keen interest.

"You are in the presence of your King. You have no right to speak while he attends to governing matters and governing is something that a man like you cannot possibly understand."

"Do whatever you want, The only thing I desire can be found on the battlefield."

Karin stepped in the conversation, since she was clearly amused at how they were going at each other's throats. Making fun of a muscle head like Mo Bu is something that she enjoys doing as way to pass time.

"What is it that someone like you with no talent, that relies only on power, wishes on the battlefield?"

"Proof of valor. I, Mo Bu, am the strongest general to ever walk this continent!"

His scream surprised everyone in the courtroom and it lighted up fires. Eleonora was with her hand on her sword already, she was out for blood.

She failed to kill Mo Bu in the battle for the fortress of Babel and she feels like in the future she will have time to redeem herself.

"Kokokoko, It is very beautiful to have ambitions. However, do be mindful of where you are screaming them out loud. Our King is busy dealing with important matters and we, as vassals, have the duty to behave ourselfs to not embarrass him."

At Ou Ki's words, his generals stopped fighting between themselves and sat down. While reluctant to do so, they have no choice but to obey... Ou Ki's pressure was smashing them, Out of all of Oemitsu's Generals, Ou Ki is without a doubt the most experienced one and the most dangerous one. That is why Oemitsu named him the leader of his 6 Generals.

"Who are they?"

Tigre could only ask this when faced with such situation. The pressure Oemitsu's Generals were emitting was stopping him from thinking about anything else.

"The one that stood up is Mo Bu, He is part of Oemitsu'a six Generals. He has quite a feud with Eleonora since they fought against each other multiple times and she never managed to kill him. The one who was discussing with him is Kyoukai, Oemitsu's personal guard. She only participated in one battle... that battle was enough to make her feared throughout the continent. The way she dances with her blade is quite a sight, if you want to die that is. The tall woman is Karin and you already know her.

The beauty with light-red hair is Yo Tan Wa, Oemitsu's first general... don't be fooled by her beauty, She is as lethal as a wolf. She is the most loyal General Oemitsu has, beheading any soldier who questions his orders. Her strength is renowned throughout the continent, with her own efforts she earned the nickname "Lady Death".

The other lady that is sitting down, bored, is Koku. She is probably the worst General in Oemitsu's arsenal. Not worse in the way that she is untalented but worse in the way she fights... she will do anything to demoralise her enemies. From burning down villages to making structures out of people's bones... her army has slaughtered more than 100,000 civilians in the invasion of Asvarre just to demoralise their soldiers.

The misterious masked man is Ousen the most mysterious General in Oemitsu's arsenal. Then there is the one who shutted everyone up, he is Ou Ki. The one who leads the Generals and the most decorated general in Oemitsu's country. He is known as Oemitsu's War Bird, one that flies from battlefield to battlefield crushing anyone who dares to defy Oemitsu's rule. He is the most hated general in the continent..."

Ludmila explained each and every single General in Oemitsu's country to Tigre in the hopes that in the future, he can use that information to his advantage. Their little conversation was cut short when Oemitsu stood up.

"You have to forgive my subordinates, they are grumpy from the trip. Marching from our Capital to Nice is exhausting.

We will leave soon I don't want to abuse your hospitality. Oh! Before that, a treaty of peace was never signed between our two nations..."

After Roland invaded his sister's lands it was the same thing as declaring war between the two countries.

"As I said before, my late father wished to build good relations between our two Kingdoms. There is no need for a peace treaty, after all, it was a plot from the late Duke Thenardier. Roland acted on his orders not the Crown's."

Oemitsu was not willing to back down on the issue that easily. He will never back down on a negotiation until he gets what he wants.

"I wish politics were that easy. I am willing to let it go though... but first my cute little sister should have a higher nobility rank don't you agree? Let me think... oh! I know, make her Prime Minister."

This surprised Regin's faction. There is currently a Prime Minister in charge. Oemitsu just demanded his replacement in front of everyone. A foreign King demanding the replacement of a Prime Minister is unheard of, however, Oemitsu had a trump card, the stupid nobles who were following him.

They started to support his demand and Regin was in a tough spot. If she refused she would start another civil war and this time Oemitsu would be the main opponent. If she accepted, she would have to dismiss Pierre Badouin, a loyal servant of the royal family.

"Your majesty, if I am allowed to speak! I am willing to retire from my position as Prime Minister and I recommend Shiro vi Brittania as my successor."

Pierre Badouin himself stepped down from the position to avoid a civil war, making Regin's decision easier. He sacrificed his position to avoid another civil war.

'He might be more loyal to Brune than I expected... it doesn't matter, he is incompetent.'

Oemitsu thought as he looked to Pierre.

"Very well. As the Queen of Brune, I hereby give the title of Prime Minister of Brune to Shiro vi Brittania, the duchess of Eisen and sister of Oemitsu vi Brittania."

"I humbly accept my position."

Shiro said after receiving her new position. This was the beginning of a bloodbath inside the royal palace of Brune.

Two factions will fight for power, the Queen's faction and Shiro's faction. In the end, Brune will fall into Oemitsu's hands. While not a vassal yet, Brune already complies with most of Oemitsu's orders.

If he can get the Queen on his knees, then he will have the perfect subject.

"My sister and her subordinates will govern and protect the country of Brune, please rest assured. Now, I will take my leave."

Oemitsu just said some outrageous words, directly saying that his sister will govern the Kingdom of Brune instead of Regin who is the Queen. As he turned around to leave, every single noble followed his lead. Sending a simple messsage, without his permission the nobles wouldn't move. Regin knew that her country was once more split into two.

Next chapter