
129. You Ruined My Plan.

"Is that true?" Arra asked Kevin with a surprised face and slightly open mouth. "Why?" Kevin asked Arra back when his girlfriend looked confused and surprised when she heard what happened next.

"Isn't his fault unforgivable? I mean, should he be expelled right away?" Kevin chuckled, the man was seen stroking Arra's head and asked Arra to accept his hand by bringing the rest of the mineral water to bring to class. "A little," Kevin said, taking a deep breath.

"I went to the office. That woman does look like a mess, after hearing the news and the continuation of Crystal's problem with Sis Lunar, I think she's also a little troubled. You know what I mean?" Kevin asked Arra making the woman nod her head slowly and chuckle.

He sighed heavily and glanced at Kevin for more information. "Who is the victim if I ask? Didn't you and Bro Irfan's mommy go together to the office?" Kevin chuckled, the man shook his head slowly and brought Arra's body a little closer to him.

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