
59. Falling In Love.

Sure enough. Break time had started ten minutes ago, even now Arra, Vio, and Fian were enjoying their lunch.

Fian, who brought his lunch today, chose to bring his own while his hand was recovering.

The three of them made random things that once in a while Arra never felt warm. The hostility and how Vio's mouth spoke were no longer as cruel as before. Even though Vio likes Fian, lately the girl is also more friendly like before which doesn't matter.

Vio who is now the same woman that Arra knew before Vio told Arra his feelings about Vio's liking for Fian with his feelings.

"Are you sure?" Vio asked Arra again when the woman was still slightly chewing her lunch. "Yes," answered Arra by ending her lunch by sipping the mineral water she had bought.

"I think you and Fahri have a problem because lately, I see he's not friendly with me," Vio replied again making Arra chuckle.

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