
The Time Rift Effect.

FULL RECAP: After finishing up a tournament between God of Destruction, the proud Saiyan warrior Goku was transported to another world. However, as three days pass, he woke up in an infirmary room as the first person he met was Mirajane Strauss. Having to tell him everything he needs to know about Earthland, Goku decided to join Fairy Tail for the sole purpose to protect Mirajane Strauss. If he's able to protect her, he'll come to know what love is... But...

The Time Rift Effect.

To join her guild, he took on one of Fairy Tail's best mages and won. Having to officially join Fairy Tail, Goku will start to embark on an everlasting adventure with his new friends and will know what it means to protect the people he loves. He'll come to fight for his friends rather than for the thrill of it. Starting off as a new member, he'll devote all his time in protecting Mirajane. But as he does this, he'll soon start to develop strong feelings for the She-Devil...

And so, the story of Goku & Fairy Tail begins..

The date with Goku & Mirajane had started. Other than the Saiyan, Mirajane was also looking forward to today. After his amazing performance against Natsu, his origins & where he came from was true to believe. And with the vow to protect her... Mirajane had no clue as to why someone as new as him would say such a thing. Nonetheless, it made her want to explore Goku. To get to know him more other than the fact she knows about the frenzy behavior of wanting to fight the strongest mages...

For three hours straight, the She-Devil showed Goku around Magnolia town as it was the main objective of their date. After a hundred and eighty-minutes of sightseeing, the pasture of Goku was up for grabs. Since it was getting around noon, Mirajane suggested they eat out. So they went to a café, not knowing it had a famous reputation in Magnolia.

Upon entering inside, the café was crowded. When it looked like there was no spot for the two, a waiter managed to find a table and thus, they started their selection of food from the menus they were given.

"Wowie, it's really packed in here..." said Goku pulling up his menu as he looks around.

"This is my first time here, too. But I've read somewhere in the papers that this café's one of the most famous cafés out there in Magnolia."

"Is that right? Well, let's hope the food is as good as the papers say..."

"You're right. Hurry up and choose what you want to eat."

"Since this is a café, I'm guessing there wouldn't be any meat selections- Oh wait, there is!" Goku pulled his menu closer to his eyes, "Hamburger Steak? Ooh-hoo-hoo, I'll get this then! What about you, Mira?"

"I guess I'll get... the cake truffle combo," Mirajane said while answering his question.

"Oh, sweets? You like eating sugary stuff?"

"On occasions such as this one. I don't usually celebrate when Fairy Tail gets a new member, but with your nonhuman strength, I'd say I'm eating in your honor."

"Oh. That's something to know. Let's go get the waiter's attention. "Yoo-Hoo! Excuse me, mister waiter guy! We're ready to order!" said Goku waving his arms back and forth.

Ten Minutes Later...

Mirajane, the waitress, and the people around them couldn't believe what they were witnessing. One by one, plates went empty as they each get placed on top of each other. Seeing the speed of how quick Goku can eat made the other people lose their appetite. Except for Mirajane... She was stupefied...

"Oh, my... I've seen the boys back at the guildhall eat like crazy. But never saw something like this... How many plates is that?" Mirajane's eyes quivered.

"Mmm! Haha! So delicious!" Goku said, mumbling the words as his mouth was full.

Waiters & waitress were coming in and out of the kitchen. They stocked up with more hamburger steaks while taking away his empty plates that were in three stacks.

"You're really enjoying those steaks, aren't you? I've never seen anyone eat with that much excitement before. I just don't know how I'm going to pay it all off..."

"I love food so much! It's what comes next after fighting a good fight!"

"Well... if you're happy then I am too. So, Goku... since you're in Fairy Tail, can you tell me about yourself? Other than your story, I'm really curious as to what your personal life is." Mirajane places down a truffle while making eye contact with him.

"My life, huh?" Goku gulped down the leftover steak that was hanging from his mouth, "Well... It's a weird one."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, I'll tell. It's only right since you took time just to help me know this town better." Goku wipes his mouth, "Let's see... I guess I can start of by telling you my family..."

"Family? Like your parents? I just realized something. You're no longer in your world so your parents must be scared right now!" Mirajane brings up.

"Nope. Not really. I don't know my parents." Goku said as he sips his drink after.

"Eh!? You don't?"

"Mhm, I don't. When I was little, I had a severe head injury that almost cost my life."

"Oh my goodness! How terrible..." Mirajane's face looked dispirited.

"Yeah, but it was thanks to that injury, it made me who I am today!"

"R-Really... I don't quite understand that part, Goku."

"Well, I'll tell you another time. Back to what I was saying here. I don't know my parents but I did have a person take me up when I was just an infant. His name's Grandpa Gohan!"

"Grandpa Gohan, huh. That's a nice name."

"He was also the one who named me too! But... he passed as I got older and if we're going by the present time here, I have a family of my own."

"Y-You do?"

"Mhm! I have two sons that go by the name of Gohan & Goten. Gohan's the older one by the way."

"How sweet. You named your oldest son after your grandpa. Wait, your sons? That means you're married then, Goku!"

"I guess..."

"What do you mean you guess? Goku, you shouldn't make a promising vow to protect me as if I'm someone you consider as a lover because you have a wife in your world!"

"Had a wife. But now we're no longer together anymore. I don't think she even knows about me being in this world."

"What do you mean?"

Goku burped, "She and I had a divorce."

"O-Oh... I'm so sorry about that."

"Don't be, Mira. I was the one who wanted it in the first place."

"Why would you demand a divorce? Were you not happy with your marriage?"

"No, I was happy. No matter how many times I get yelled at or get talked down to... I always tolerated her."

"Then, what made you do it...?"

"..." Goku had on a serious face, "I... I wasn't acting like myself. I told you about how Saiyans operate, right?"


"Someone from my world told me about how Saiyans desire strong wives. My ex-wife checked out in everything male Saiyans likes, but for some reason, I felt as though I had enough with all her complaining."

"That's very shallow, Goku. You were fed up of her complaints that you just couldn't take it anymore? It makes me think you weren't ready for marriage in the first place."

"I wasn't done, Mira. I felt that way because something came over me and I didn't know what."

"Was it your self-conscious speaking to you? Stuff like that tends to some people. I'm not one of them though, I'd just like to point it out."

"Well, I wouldn't say it was my self-conscious... But rather... emotions gaps that filled my empty mind."

"I don't think I follow... Care to explain?"

"I'm usually a carefree guy and even though I would get yelled at by my ex-wife, I would just laugh it off. But suddenly out of nowhere, I started taking in these emotions and somehow got informed about loads of things I didn't know until now. Divorce was one of them."

"That's odd. From what I can get out of it... someone or something gave you a glimpse of what logical things you needed to say or do? That isn't normal. Did you ever figure out the cause of this weird 'illness'?" Mirajane said as she gave it a name.

"I'm not really sure... I thought it could be the wormhole's fault, but this was before I got sucked inside."

"Tell me something, Goku. When did you start acting so weird before you came here?"

"Hmm, let's see... Oh!"

"What's up?"

"It was around that time! Two days after I defeated this evil person named Frieza, only I could see these weird purple lines in my vision. Bulma had me checked out but they couldn't find the source and thought I was just seeing an illusion that only I could see since I spotted it."

"Are you talking about eye floaters? Those are common to see. They're mainly black or gray specks your eyes see when you move them. It's nothing too bad to get. But I've never heard of it ever come as the color purple. How very odd. And only you could see it?"

"Mhm. In two days my mind started to absorb 'knowledge' I wasn't very fond of since I'm not one to hit the book. For about an hour, my head wouldn't stop hurting and when an hour passed... I saw nothing but the color purple."

"How interesting. Maybe this is some kind of new disease from your world. You saw the world as the color purple for how long?"

"It was a dark purple. And I didn't see the world as that color. I only saw the dark purple color. Everything else canceled out."


"Whenever I spot these purple 'floaters,' I started developing these unspoken actions and used them to get rid of my ex-wife..."

"So you really do love her, don't you? Seems to me this illness drove you mad to where you acted out of character..."

Goku wasn't talking and his face was blank. He was staring deeply at her, making her receive chills that don't often happen to her unless there's a huge threat. Mirajane assumed she pissed him off by saying something he didn't like. But that wasn't it. What the She-Devil said got Goku to think hard about the word love. A huge moment of silence was what fits the missing gap between them and Mirajane was a bit uncomfortable...

"Is everything alright, Goku? You're looking at me intensely..."

"Sorry. I was just thinking about what you said just now. Love..."

"O-Oh... Is that right? Does that answer my question here? Do you still love your ex-wife as of right now?"

"I don't know."

"It would make sense if you did, Goku. If you do love her, then there's no need to stick to your vow on protecting me."

"That's not it... No... I... Urgh..." Goku was experiencing a headache.

"Are you okay, Goku?" Mirajane grew worried for him as she shows her concern.

"G-Guah... Yeah, I'm fine. Just a small headache..."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm fine, Mira. Really, I am."

"Okay then... As I was saying. Is it really wise to say you want to protect me when you got cheated out in divorcing your wife? You probably have feelings for her still..."

"Mira, I didn't really show much care to my wife but I did in fact love her. But, when I started acting funny around her, it's like I've been set up to say these lines that are lies. Or... lines that predicted the future or something."

"With all due respect Goku, I think you're trying to say is this. You do in fact love her, there's no doubt about that. But with the recent purple floaters only you could see, it's like it's trying to force you to say what you really feel."

"How I really feel...?"

"It made a judgement call and forced you to hoard these unspoken actions to her. Thinking that, I'm a little concern for you. If you say you're going to protect me, then what's to stop you from acting how you lashed out to your ex-wife?"

Hearing that, Goku was quick to answer. He leaned forward and grabbed her hands. Surprising her to gasp a little. With the sudden approach, the Saiyan warrior was about to have words travel out his mouth to express what he feels. Or rather, what he think he feels at the moment...

"That's not it, Mira!"

"I beg your pardon?" Mirajane was puzzled.

"Just because I made the divorce happen, that doesn't mean I'll do the same kind of actions toward you!" Goku spoked with promise in his voice.

"Eh?" Mirajane's facial expression changed as her eyes formed blue circles of confusion, "Are you saying you have feelings for me...?"

"I... I don't know. Do I? How do I know if I actually do?"

"Let's do a comparison. When you defeated Frieza again, you went under some kind of trickery in seeing a dark purple eye floater. So when you continued developing that 'sickness,' you started to act different. And with that, you had the idea to divorce you wife because you no longer couldn't stand her. Tell me this, while under the dark purple sickness, did you feel anything at all towards your wife?"

"Before, yes. After seeing the dark purple floaters, no."

"As of right now, how do you feel about me? We've known each other for over twenty-four hours, so what's your answer?"

"I... I feel attached to you."

"Goku..." her eyes widen, "I-I see... Well, that certainly got my blood flowing, hehe..." as Mirajane faked a laugh, she blushed a little, "We just met and you're saying there's something between us?"

"I don't know, but seeing you messes up my head like a lot. In a good way. It makes me feel warm. When I was with my wife, all I ever got were 'get a job and earn money like our son who's a scholar!' And stuff... Plus, I want to fight you because you're an S-Class mage who's stronger than Natsu."

"Oh... So you're into strong girls, aren't you?"

"I guess I am. My ex-wife wasn't that strong when we first fought so that's out of the question."

"Okay then, never mind."

"You seem down, Mira. Is something wrong?"

"I had a theory as to why you divorced your ex-wife but hearing what you said made me throw that out the window. I'm in a sticky situation and I can't get out. Oh! Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"What if this dark purple floater you see is but a prequel from something you took in by accident like injecting yourself or inhaling something."

"I... I don't think... What?" Goku was confused.

"Here's my new theory. Whatever this 'thing' is, it's consuming you into changing your characteristics from how you originally are. But I'm not done yet. It could do that or... It can do a different function and change your whole perspective of things."


"This dark purple entity is influencing your mind into making you say things that should really happen in your life since you don't seem to be the type to change it yourself because you're all carefree."

"If that's true, then that means..."

"Your easily influenced mind must've malfunctioned to later twisting things from both your own mind and the dark purple's agenda. In fusing it into becoming what you are today. That explains why you demanded a divorce and why you feel so attached to me! You're going under an effect that's detrimental to your health. Think back to what made you want to protect me, Goku... Think."

I'm thinking... I'm thinking... I'm thinking... Uhhh... Aha! I got it!"

"What is it? Spill it!"

"My friend Bulma kept telling me I should find a new love and my son Gohan told me that love makes you stronger so if you protect them, not only do you get stronger but it also shows how I strongly feel about that person."

"I get it. And this dark purple thing must've fused all that information together and insisted you do that."

"Oh, that makes sense. But Mira, since we figured out why I acted like that... How did I get this dark purple thing that looks like an eye floater that only I can see?"

"I'm not sure on that part, Goku. You got me stumped on that one. Up until now, when you said you wanted to protect me because you looked at me as a loved one, you probably didn't mean it because you're not healthy. It's all fake emotions..." when saying that, Mirajane got a little depressed.

"You're wrong, Mira. I do."

"Eh? What do you mean by that? We figured out your problem and you're still insisting you want to protect me? Is this from the dark purple's fusing?"

"That's not it. You're saying it's fake emotions thanks to the dark purple floater but... I'll have to disagree and put my foot down. Even though they already are."

"Where are you going with this?"

"My son told me about how when you discover the feeling of wanting to protect something you consider to cherish, your heart beats slowly. That means you develop real feelings you want to hold out to whoever it is."

"Goku... You're not saying your heart is..."

"It's beating hard, Mira. When I'm with you, my heart pounds like crazy. When you're close to me, my heart pounds like crazy. When you cook for me like you did yesterday, my heart pounds like crazy..."

"(Is this the dark purple floater's fault? Goku's acting as if he's found true love. But that means me! Heh! Why am I blushing? He's not really saying that, Mira! Get ahold of yourself! He's acting out of fused ideas from the dark purple floater! But... What if he isn't...?) Goku, can I ask you something?"

"I'm all ears, Mira. Go ahead."

"Right now, as I'm in front of you, are you talking from the bottom of your heart? Or is this thanks to some idea fused from two separate ones?"

"Hmm, I guess the bottom of my heart."

"Then, that means... (The dark purple floater must have enabled him a function to seek the need to protect something he cherishes. Something he... loves. That means, he loves me... Eh...)" Mirajane's whole face turned red, (No, no, Mira! That isn't it! It's a trick! He doesn't like you! There's no need to get all worked up here! He's no different than the other boys! But, he said he spoke from the bottom of his heart. Whatever this dark purple floater is or where it came from... It's serving itself as a tool in educating him...)"

"You okay? Your face is red."

"Eh!? Y-Yes! I'm fine, Goku! No need to worry, haha..." Mirajane said as she was trying to keep her cool after finding out Goku has a crush of her, "(Did it tell him to go for me? I'm so confused here...)"

"You're awfully quiet after our conversation about the dark purple floater, Mira."

"Huh? No! I feel dandy! But tell me this one more time, Goku. Why do you want to protect me? Do you see me as a lover?"

"I want to protect you because I want to. And I'm not just saying that because some floater told me to from some fused idea, no."

"(No, but it educated you & your mind to go that route.)"

"For some reason Mira, I consider you as someone to fight for and to cherish."

Mirajane's heart took a pounding when the next thing that happened, she took a deep gulp, "(It's somewhat true. What he's feeling is thanks to the floater but it's fusing more ideas to his brain. Tricking him into having him take in knowledge that'll shape him into a more better and different person...)"

"And everyone else at the guild too! But mainly you. I don't know why, but I feel as though you're special to me and I want to keep on feeling that special spark between us. If that's okay, that is..."

"Y-Yeah! It's fine, Goku! I don't mind at all if you see me like that. You're the first boy to have ever confess me your true feelings. Whether it be from the floater's fused ideas, or from your heart deep down."

"Hmm? Oh, whatever. Do you feel the same way about me? If you don't, that's cool. I can focus on finding someone else, but it'll be hard to rid this feeling I have for you."

"Eh?! Do I, you ask?"

"Uh-Huh." Goku nodded.

"Well, considering how you just became a member, I consider you as part of our family. It does seem like we've gone on that path rather than to be astray. You've been looking at me since you became a member and I let you stayed over at my house with me, Lisanna, and Elfman. I don't see why not. I'll admit, your confession caught me off guard."

"How so? It's just something I truly wanted to say."

"I get compliments a lot because I'm well known. Boys have been staggering me with kind words but not once have I been confessed to. You're the first..."

"Wow, I guess I really scored high with you seeing as though I was the first."

"I'm not sure if I do like you, Goku. But I can tell you I feel some sort of feelings when you and I talk. It seems odd enough because you're new to this world and I've been complimented many times before. I just wonder why you of all people make me want to blush like crazy..." Mirajane said as her cheeks turned red as a tomato.

"So... Is that a yes?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there, Goku. For now, I want to start things slow between us. It's a little too early to start relationships if you ask me, but hey! That doesn't mean I don't like you because I do!"

"Okay." Goku said as he smiled at her, "I'm glad you feel the same. I'm patient so I'll wait."

"Thank you, Goku. For someone so brave in the confession game, you certainly earned my praise. Oh, I still stand by with what I said yesterday. I'll protect you too. I don't care if you're stronger than me, it doesn't matter. In Fairy Tail, we've got each other's backs no matter the power gap. It's what makes us family."

"Sure. Whatever you say, Mira!" Goku's smile was still being shown.

"Yeah. I'm glad you joined too."

With their conversation coming to a close, Goku's mind started to fall under attack. He was experiencing a headache that was similar to the one when he defeated Frieza shortly after. Under a lot of pain, he placed his elbows down on the table roughly and his hands were on his head.

"Urgh... Argh..." Goku grits his teeth out of pain.

"Something the matter, Goku?"

"My head... It's hurting... It's hurting bad! Argh!" Goku started to yell out of feeling a painful sensation.

He breathed uncontrollably as his hands wouldn't stop shaking. He reacted differently as he started collapsing to the ground. His pupils had disappeared and the color of his irises was the color dark purple. Several lines surfaced above and under his eyes and with that came a huge energy wave, destroying the Kuro Imperial Café altogether.

"Ahhh! Kch... Gah... my head... it hurts!" Goku's body couldn't stop shaking uncontrollably.

His body went in vellication. Seeing the horrible condition Goku was in, Mirajane was quick to get to his body. When she was on her knees, she saw the visual aspect of Goku's aura. Except, it wasn't his. This aura was the same color as the floater, dark purple. Mirajane saw the lines on his face and his irises being complete dark purple.

Luckily, touching his body didn't cause any harm to Mirajane, but she did grow worrisome for the Saiyan of Fairy Tail.

"Hey, hey! Talk to me, Goku! Are you alright?"

"S-Stand back! Don't get close to me, Mira! Something's about to come...!" Goku was sweating unbelievably.

The energy wave that struck the café came in again. Acting on its own, the dark purple aura laid out a tidal wave to everyone that was inside. Mirajane included. The energy tidal wave pushed everyone against the wall as it made them go unconscious. But for the She-Devil, as luck would have it, she managed to survive by just a little. Hanging by a thread, she landed roughly on a table. By landing on the table, she broke the plates under her, making some parts of her skin to feel the cold shoulders.

"Ow, ow, ow. My leg..." Mirajane's left leg was broken, "I can't feel it... Oh, no. Everyone..."

When Mirajane looked around, she saw everyone down and counting. Her eyes were agitating in shock as no one but her survived. They're not dead. Just unconscious as mentioned before. Getting down from the table, she ran back to Goku as his condition got worse...

"Goku! Goku, I'm right here! I'm not going to leave you. Stay with me!" Mirajane came to his aid.

"Urgh... M-Mira... Help..." Goku said in a weak tone.

"Yeah, I know. I know where we can get help. I'll get you up now..."

Getting the help Goku needs, Mirajane placed his left arm around him. As they both stood up, Mirajane was about to make her way to the guildhall for Wendy to heal him until Goku stopped her in her tracks...

"Goku?" she looked at his constipated face.

"It'll take too long if you drag me. I'll use Instant Transmission to get us both there." Goku insisted while still showing a weak voice.

"Does that mean teleport? Are you going to teleport us?"

"Y-Yeah..." Goku struggled to answer but did, "If I can focus on an energy signal, we can get there fast..."

"I don't know how but try to focus on sensing Wendy! She's a healer that can serve you!"

"R-Right... Ow... Urgh..."

Goku was feeling arduous. His mind was weak as he almost lost his footing. Thanks to Mirajane, she caught him in the nick of time. Ten seconds in and he found Wendy's energy. She was in the infirmary room with Team Natsu & Juvia.

As they left, they didn't pay for their bill. It didn't matter because everyone in Kuro Imperial Café will be out cold until the next morning. But that doesn't mean they left without the building being unscathed. The tables, chairs, and windows were destroyed in the making. Instant Transmission always came in clutch for Goku so without wasting any more time, the two teleported to the Fairy Tail's Infirmary room.

Fairy Tail's Infirmary Room (Twenty Seven Minutes Later...)

Their date came to an abrupt end. After arriving at the Infirmary room where Team Natsu, Lisanna & Juvia were present, Mirajane immediately placed Goku to a bed. The moment she laid Goku down, a dark purple barrier had appeared and consumed his body. Causing him to sweat uncontrollably. During their date, Natsu was able to wake up thanks to Wendy's healing and all together, they got informed by Mirajane about what was happening to Goku.

For those twenty-seven minutes, Wendy operated her healing magic to see if the barrier could be lifted. Nothing happened. The barrier served under demon magic that were levels far beyond any magic that was ever bestowed upon Earthland eons ago. Wendy gave it a few more tries but nothing had worked in her favor. Since nothing could be done, Mirajane sat next to him as Team Natsu were behind her in support...

"I'm sorry, Mira. I really tried my hardest, but I couldn't heal him. That barrier is something I've never seen before. It overcame my magic like it was nothing..." said Wendy as she was feeling bad.

"Don't be. You did what you could, Wendy. And for that, it's more than enough..." Mirajane said as she compliments her to feel better.

"Mira's right. You shouldn't feel bad. We don't know what this barrier is so it wasn't something we could've done with magic anyway..." Erza said, crossing her arms as she came next to Mirajane.

"Argh... Man. Whatever this is, it smells so bad..." Natsu covered his nose from the awful smell.

"You can smell it, Natsu?" Lucy asked, turning to him as he was using his scarf to cover his nose.

"Yeah. This barrier or whatever is pulling off negative stuff I can just smell alone."

"I can smell it too," Wendy said.

"How interesting. We know the source to this is a negative but what we don't know is how it latched onto Goku..." said Carla as she tries to put pieces together.

"Is something like this contagious?" Gray wondered.

"No, I don't think it is. I carried Goku as he teleported both of us here. When I placed him on the bed, there was no reaction." Mirajane answered.

"Juvia thinks it's something that possibly came from his world."

"What do you mean, Juvia?" Lisanna asked.

"Think about it, you guys. With all the weird things Goku had shown us, isn't this one of them?"

"I... I don't I quite follow..." Mirajane's left eyebrow raised as she turns around to face her.

"Wendy couldn't do anything with her magic because this negative barrier overcame it, yes? Well, if we look it from both perspectives, this could be something that only Goku's affiliated with. Meaning..."

"This is something only Goku has to overcome..." Mirajane finishes Juvia's sentence.

"Nice detective work, Juvia." Gray compliments.

"O-Oh! I am not worthy of such praises, my darling Gray!" Juvia's eyes changed into pink heart eyes as her inner fangirl for Gray overloaded.

"If what Juvia said it true, then how came Goku overcome it? It's not attacking him." Happy said, later macking on a cooked fished.

"It's attacking him in the inside," Erza said as she came to a conclusion.

"Inside?" Lucy & Lisanna copied.

"Yeah. There's nothing we can do because this is Goku's fight. Whatever this 'thing' is, it's attacking Goku in his mind. So only he can overcome it. That way, this barrier will get lifted. Until then, we can't do anything..." Erza said.

"Aw, crud! Hey, Goku! Listen! You better beat whatever this 'thing' is, you hear me!" Natsu yelled.

"Don't scream in his ear, Ash Breath." Gray mocks.

"I hope you're doing okay, Goku." Mirajane hopes.

"I'm sure he can beat this barrier's butt, sis. Just have faith in him. He IS one of us." Lisanna tries to cheer up Mirajane.

"I know, Lis. It's just... during our date I got to know a lot more about him. You'd be surprised about his life in his world. I just feel so helpless here! This is something all of us don't know of and because of that, Goku's facing it alone! I was his guide, you guys. He was my responsibility. I feel awful not knowing the solution to help him..."

"Well, I'm not sure if this will help, but... We could go through his square container to see what he's got inside. Who knows. Something inside might help us." Natsu brings up.

"You're a genius, Natsu!" Mirajane compliments as she gave him a hug.

"I am?" Natsu tilted his head.

The square container was outside at the bar counter. After a minute passed, Mirajane retrieved it. As she opened it up, Lisanna & the others were leaning close to her to see what was inside that only Goku knew.

"W-What is all this?" Lucy said in a shocked tone.

"These are all capsules..." Mirajane said.

"How do you know that, sis?"

"It says so on the cover. Look!" she pointed at the name of it as everyone saw.

"CC's Capsules...? That's an unusual name." Wendy admits.

"Unusually stupid," Natsu adds.

"This is amazing. This looks like something made from the future. Could Goku possibly be from the future?" Erza said as she looked at him.

"That's a good question. We'll have to ask him if he ever wakes up." Lisanna placed her right index on her chin.

"There are many sections. I'm counting... Over two hundred capsules!" Mirajane informed, "They're ten capsules in twenty sections. Ah! With each given name too. If we were to find a capsule that can help remove a barrier... what would it be?"

"How 'bout this one?" Happy pointed to the medical aid section.

"Good eye, Happy!" Mirajane said as she grabbed a pink colored capsule.

"A-Argh! Ahhh!" Goku was shouting.

Everyone heard his yell and turned around. They saw him moving around with his right hand placed on his heart. As if he was going through the same experience of the heart virus. Hearing his painful yell made Mirajane worry even more...

"It's going to be okay, Goku! I think this capsule's gonna help you. At least, I hope it does..."

"Someone restrain him! He's going out of control here!" Erza ordered.

Natsu, Gray & Lucy held him down. However, it wasn't the smartest thing to do. Targeting the three of them, the barrier unleashed a dark energy wave directly to them. Blasting them to the walls.

"Natsu!" Lucy, Lisanna & Happy said.

"Oh, no! My Gray!" Juvia said with worry in her voice.

"Lucy, are you alright?" Wendy asked as she came over.

"Ouch... That freakin hurts. Yeah, I'm fine..." Lucy got up.

"Urgh, what the hell was that...?" Gray had help getting up from Juvia.

"My darling, you & the other two got sent flying across the wall!"

"Son of a..." Natsu stood up.

"Easy, Natsu. I got ya."

"Thanks, Happy."

"Mira, hurry and use that thing already!" Erza demanded.

"I... I don't know how, Erza! Do I press on this? Oh!"

Mirajane's right thumb pushed down the head of the capsule. Scared by the sound of it, she dropped it to the ground with smoke rising up. When the smoke went away, they all saw a giant pot. And so, they were all curious...

"A pot...?" Lucy got close to it.

"It's filled with beans..." Carla came close to it too.

"Huh. I wonder if Goku had some sort of mix up. What are green beans doing in the medical aid section?" Lisanna wondered as she got everyone to think.

"Hmm... Hey, I know! Maybe they're healing beans!" Gray announced.

"Healing beans, my love?" Juvia said standing next to him.

"What else could it be? If they got placed in the medical section, then it's there for a reason."

"I think you're on to something, Gray..." Erza said as she picked up one bean, "Hey, Natsu. Do me a favor and hit me."

"Eh!? You want me to hit you?" Natsu was confused.

"You heard right. Something tells me these beans won't work unless we get injured so I want you to hit me. Don't hold back, got it?" Erza asked of Natsu.

"All right, Erza... I'm not going to hold back my punch, you hear me? Don't blame me if I go overboard!"

His right hand came up in flames. Drawing it back, his attack was ready and thus, he came for Erza. She wasn't wearing her armor so it was definitely going to hurt. Closing in, all the impact of Natsu's Fire Dragon Iron Fist went to the Queen of the Fairies' abdomen. With that punch, she was sent back skidding to a wall. Erza landed outside of the Infirmary room due to the wall not being strong enough to withstand a strong force.

"H-He went too far!" Lucy & Gray said to themselves as they got paled.

Then they all saw Erza get up like it was nothing. She was bleeding from her head and her legs were shaking like she was experiencing a seizure. At a moment's notice, she calmed them down but was still feeling Natsu's punch...

"She got back up THAT fast!?" Lucy & Gray had their jaws dropped to the ground.

"My head's suffering from blood loss and I'm pretty sure the impact to the wall caused me to lose feeling in my left arm. Let's test this bean now, shall we?"

The bean that was in her right hand was now inside of her mouth. Chewing it, she wasn't a fan of the flavor. For about four seconds, everyone was waiting for a change to happen. And it did. When Erza swallowed the entire bean, she was completely restored to her present glory! Seeing that, everyone was shocked to see Erza in one piece as if she never took the hit in the first place!

"D-Did you guys see that!? Erza's all healed!" Lucy's eyes shaped in circles out of seeing something "magical" happen.

"Erza... Your wounds are gone." Mirajane pointed out.

"Yeah. The flavor could use some work, but I'm all better." Erza looks at her hands then around her body.

"Mira! Then, that means you can use that magical bean on Goku!" Lisanna said.

"S-Sure, Lisanna... But how will we know it'll work?"

"Trust me on this one! It's just a hunch!" Lisanna assures her.

"Okay, then... If you could hand me one since you're the closest, I'll feed him."

Before Lisanna was about to get a bean from the pot, things were about to go in rewind. To about... Ten minutes earlier. As part of Mirajane fetching the square container was playing, there was another scene happening somewhere else. A place where Mirajane, Lisanna, Juvia & Team Natsu couldn't see unless they were Goku. This scene was taking place inside of Goku's mind...

Goku's Mind, the Empty Void...

Goku was conscious inside and had no idea where he was. Looking around, he was found to be flying due to there being no floor. The plus side to this is quite a favored one. On the outside, Goku looks the same age as Mirajane. However, inside of his mind, he was back to his adult form. He continued to look around only to find out he wasn't going anywhere.

He flew a straight path in hoping to at least see something in his sight, but nothing came up. It was nothing but an endless loop had he continued to roam in one path. Goku contemplated himself. Observing in deep thought, he was bound in an endless empty void. If he was smart enough to think that, that is...

"Sigh,* I'm going nowhere with this. I don't even know where I'm going. It's just endless loops. Where am I anyway?" Goku said as he looks around.

"You're inside your own mind, Son Goku."


A voice other than Goku's had made its presence. He heard it coming from behind his back, so he turned around. What he saw in front of him made his eyes widen a bit. He was a bit taken back on who he was seeing. What Goku saw... was himself...

"Whoa... Who are you?" Goku pointed out.

"I am negative energy."

"But you look so much like me!"

"Hehe! Well, I sure am, huh?"

"How can I see my own self?"

"Hehe... You fucking moron! You really think I'm you? GOD, you're so dumb!"

"Eh? What do you mean? You look like me except everything about you is the dark purple color. I don't see your eyes, me..."

"Tch! I may be you, Son Goku, but I'm not. I am the negative dark energy that's inside your body!"

"Huh? But how? I don't get it..."

"Of course you don't! Towa told me about how stupid you are!"


Ah, shit... I spoke too much there. Oh, well."

"Hey! Who's Towa?"

"Haha! Well, since the cat's out of the bag, I might as well tell you. Towa's the one responsible for you being in this world!"

"What! But... I got to this world by a wormhole..."

"Use your brain, dumbass. That was all Towa. Since your arrival to stop Frieza when he was resurrected, Towa kept an eye on you. You see, she was experimenting with her tools so she made me latch onto you!"

"What are you saying..."

"Your character as a whole changed, Goku! And you have me to thank! Everything that led up to you being in this world was thanks to Towa. That female demon scientist really outdid herself on this one!"

"Can you just get to the point, me? Or um... Whatever you are..."

"Towa made you take in Time Rift effects that changed you. And when the wormhole activated thanks to the dark symbol on the head of that blue lady's gun, the Time Rift appeared! With you entering inside, you inhaled some of that negative effect that allowed changes to your characteristics. Both physically & mentally!"

"Time Rift... Effects? Don't you mean wormhole?"

"Hmph. Time Rift is the correct term if you're referring to the wormhole."

"So, the reason why I act like I'm a changed person... is because of some person whom I've never met before...?"

"For a dumb person, you're catching on! Anyway, because you entered inside of the wormhole, I was born. Coming to life, I had already received my mission from Towa. And that was to corrupt you to serve under Towa! But... Something isn't working... For some reason, you can't be controlled."

"Was that why I experienced those painful headaches since I defeated Frieza?"

"From there to now? Yes. Yes, you have. Inhaling this stuff is supposed to make you fall under the control of Towa's magic. But you, however, remain unphased. It worked with those four Towa snatched in this timeline... So, why not you?"

"Um, I don't know. If I had to pick a guess, maybe it's because I'm a god. Lord Beerus once told me some time ago that deities can't be brainwashed."

"Eh!? You're a deity? So that's the reason... Tch, no matter... That doesn't mean I'll give up!"

"Yeah? Well, you're going to give up now! Since you're the cause to my headaches, I'll just beat you here and now! You said we're inside of my mind? Then, all I've got to do is beat you. That way, I can get back to Mira & the others...!" Goku holds a promise to that.

"Oh, please. As if you can destroy what I am. You can, though. That, I have no doubt. But... I can just latch onto someone else that isn't a god like yourself! Huh? Your hair's glowing blue..."

The negative energy that took the form of Goku was about to be in a world of hurt. In the first Xenoverse game, when battling Demon God Demigra, it was stated that Goku couldn't be under his control because he's a god. Much like Beerus & Demigra himself. With his hair styled up in his SSJ form, Goku had unleashed SSJ Blue.

"Your hair... Your energy... I can't sense it..."

"That's because I'm in a form called SSJ Blue."

"I've never heard of this one before. This wasn't in the books. Hehe... I get it now. Of all the Gokus she killed, there was never one that had powers of a god."

"Of all Gokus? She fought me before...?"

"Yes. Over a million times if you want a number. Of all the Gokus that were killed they only had powers that reached up to the fourth level of SSJ."

"Well, now I'm ready to blast you out my body!" Goku expanded his aura.

"(Kch! Not good! He's going to fry me if I don't escape his body.)"

"Ka...me..." Goku aligned both his palms together on his right side.

"(I've got to get out of here and find a different person to control. I can't come back empty-handed or else Towa will have my head.)"


It was a tradeoff. The price of trying to control a god in exchange for a SSJ Blue Kamehameha, Goku had no complaints. For the negative energy, it panicked. A Goku that couldn't be controlled thanks to having God Ki, there was nothing it could do.

At the last second, when Goku was about to say the last syllable of the Kamehameha, he heard another voice. A voice that was so familiar he stopped his attack at the last second and looked up.

"That voice... It's... It's Mira..." Goku's eyes were panoptic, "Where is she..?"

"(There's my chance! Since he's distracted with the voices outside, I can use the opportunity to get out of his body and find a new host!)"

In one fell swoop, the negative energy opened up a rift to escape. Goku turned around and at the last second, he tried to stop him with a Ki blast to finish it off. But he was too late. The negative energy had escaped out of his body and flew under Team Natsu's radar without them knowing.

"It's gone. Hey, my head feels all better now..." Goku said.

With that, Goku powered down to base form. The good thing about the negative energy leaving him is the fact that he was able to wake up. Getting back to reality, Goku was able to wake up and when he sat up, he saw Mirajane, Team Natsu, Juvia, & Lisanna in front of him. The only person that noticed Goku was awake was Mirajane...

"What's going on...?" Goku mumbled.

"Goku!" Mirajane yelled, causing everyone to stop what they were doing.

"Hey..." he casually waved.

Surprising everyone with his well-being, Mirajane jumped to him with a firmed hug. What Mirajane did just now shocked Lisanna a little bit. The news of Goku being okay sparked up a conversation with Natsu & the others as they wanted to know what happened to him. They expect nothing to be left out from him...

"The barrier's gone..." Wendy pointed out.

"Barrier?" Goku didn't know what Wendy was on about, "Oh, Mira... Why are you hugging me...?"

"Eh? Huh?! S-Sorry!" Mirajane let go of the hug, "I don't know why I did that. I'm just glad you're not hurt."

"Hurt? What do you mean?"

"This dark purple floater thingy, dude. You know, what Mira told us." Natsu said.

"Oh, that reminds me. I've got a clue on what that was, you guys."

"Really? Then please, spill what you know, Goku!" Erza politely asked.

"Right... Before I explain, can I have something to eat? I'm starving?" Goku said as he rubbed his belly.

"S-Sure..." Mirajane sweats.

One Hour Later...

"I see. The floater that only you saw was nothing but negative energy?" Erza wanted to confirm.

"Yeah... It was inside of the wormhole- no... Time Rift. It was inside of the Time Rift I was in when I entered this world."

"Dear, I mean... Goku. Since we know who the culprit is, how do we find Towa?" Mirajane asked.

"That's a good question. I don't really know myself. But I do know she has a problem with me and I want to know why."

"What do you mean?" Gray asked as he became shirtless.

"The negative energy spawn told me Towa fought me before. Over a million times if I said it right. She could've controlled one of them but instead, she chose me..."

"Why you exactly?"

"I'm not sure, Gray. But... I can tell you that she wanted to control me but failed to. Hey, have any of you guys seen Towa?"

"We don't even know what she looks like or if it's a she in the first place, Goku." Mirajane answered.

"Oh, never mind then."

"There's a lot of questions left unanswered and I get that you're curious because you want to find out more about how you came to this world. For now, let's call it a day and think about another time. I'm just glad you're alright, you know?"

"Sure, Mira. I guess I could think about it another day. Right!" Goku got out of his bed, "I guess I'll go train or something... Oh, wait! The square container!"

"What about it?"

"I don't want to keep freeloading at your place Mira, so I thought of an idea of using one of the capsules to get my own house!" Goku said as he grabbed the square container.

"House? What the heck are you saying, man? Natsu was confused.

"I'm not very good with words, so I'll just show you guys it. Where there's loads of big space, that is..." Goku said, "You guys want to come? You can if you want."

"Why not? It's not every day we'd get to see what a Saiyan can do with his square container." Erza was in.

"I'll bite too," Gray confesses.

"If my darling Gray's going to go, then I shall too!"

"Carla, you want to join them? I think it sounds fun. This whole Goku getting his own house by a capsule sounds worth it in my opinion."

"I suppose I can tag along, child. The gadgets are what intrigues me about Son Goku."

"Natsu, Happy, Lucy, you guys coming?" Goku asked.

"Oh, yeah! Totally!" Lucy agrees.

"Hell to the yeah I'll come! Happy, you in?"

"Aye, sir!"

"Mira and um... Lisanna? You two can tag along too if you want."

"Sure. You keep surprising me with things that aren't in Fairy Tail's caliber so I guess I'll come too. How 'bout you, sis? Hmm? Mira?"

Mirajane wasn't talking. Rather, she was staring at Goku. Seeing him finish his bowls from her cooking, she couldn't help but stare at him. With his smile and laid back personality, Mirajane's heart kept skipping a beat. Lisanna saw her cheeks red and had a few assumptions as to why it shines a bright primary color.

"(Get a grip, Mira. Stop staring at him. He's way out of my league. He has a wife after all... No point going after him if he's a married man. K-Kch... My mind is telling me that... But my heart... It's telling me to go for him... No. No, I shouldn't. Have some boundaries, Mira. He probably doesn't see me like that anyway...) Yeah, I'm coming too, you guys."

"Wow, we have a crowd. Let's see there's one, two, three... Ten people coming! Okay, let's get going guys. To a place that's very wide and big!"

"Haha! Now we're talking here!" Natsu was ready.

Before all of them could head out, they heard a knock on the door. Taking their attention to the door, they saw Cana Alberona next to it...

"Hey, you guys got a minute?"

"What's up, Cana?" Mirajane asked.

"I couldn't help but overhear what you guys are about to do and I'm going to have to ask you to put that on hold."

"What's the reason?" Erza said as she crosses her arms.

"We have some visitors that want to see us. Apparently, they're issuing us a challenge. We all know them since they were there with us during the Grand Magic Games. The guild, Blue Pegasus?"

"B-Blue Pegasus!?"

Next chapter