
Without You

  "Hello, I need to have some words with you. Can you please?"

Zibao gestured to the stunned ministers to leave.

"My younger brother did something to trouble you again?" He chuckled.

"It's more than troubling. He has been interfering with my marriage and even faked a royal decree." Riwansa plopped over the seat.

"LET ME INNN. How can you disrespect a prince, don't you want your job anymore?"

A round of frantic yelling made, both give each other a knowing look.

"Take him to the practice dungeon. Don't let him come out for the day." Zibao addressed the trusted attendant standing near the entrance. 

"YOU ARE MY BIOLOGICAL BROTHER, YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME." The voice slowly disappeared.

"I apologise on behalf of Steven, I understand it's not been quite easy for you."

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