
A Ride Together

"I see, I will look through it more once I get the time. It's quite late now. Let's go back." He said.

"Sure." Although Xixi wanted to enjoy the soft afternoon breeze for a little longer. It's indeed late, it will take a few hours to reach the castle also. She nodded in affirmation.

He pressed his watch to call for the royal carriage, however, it showed a warning text that read, "Ongoing repair of connections, the signal can't work."

Without showing any hint of impatience Ziran faced Xixi and said, "It seems like the connection switches are all in repair. My brother left Remiel nearby. If you have no problem he can carry us till the castle and … if you are uncomfortable of course we can walk back also."

'If they walk back, won't it take at least a few hours? Moreover, it would definitely be a fulfilling experience to ride on a dragon's back right? And well even though he seems annoying at times, he didn't really ever make her feel unsafe with him.' Weighing the pros and cons in her mind she replied with a tinge of embarrassment, "I won't feel uncomfortable."

Ziran seemed to be taken aback by her response. He expected her to ask for some other way to go back or to simply walk back. After recovering the initial unexpected shock, he meaningfully looked at her passing a flirty smile.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Yeah." Xixi felt as if she was slapping herself since she clearly told him previously that she would like to maintain a distance from him. This, for sure wasn't the way of maintaining a distance.

Ziran celebrated inwardly, putting on a considerate air. He went ahead and brought Remiel in. Who was definitely not enjoying being interrupted from chasing after the jungle creatures.

Ziran leaped onto Remiel, extending his hand to help Xixi up. She hesitantly pursed her lips. She took a second to notice the enormous height and knew for sure that she couldn't get up without his help. She lightly grasped onto his palm as he pulled her up.

Remiel let out a roar of fire spreading his magnificent wings. The scenario made Xixi giddy. She was living inside the very fairytale she wished for since her childhood days. It felt so dreamy that maybe it's really a dream.

A jolt shook her out of the lightheadedness as she grabbed onto Ziran's robe in quick reflex. The chilly wind was shivering. As time passed they rose above the clouds. She could spot the castle decorated with vibrant bulbs, right ahead.

An unknown adrenaline rush took over her as Remiel descended at a slower than usual speed right near the royal entrance. 

Repressing the fear, Xixi jumped down from its back squeezing her eyelids shut, attracting a "Pfft" from both Ziran and Remiel in the process. 

After she was done assuring herself that she was physically safe she glared hard at the two of them. 

"I used to think you are only scared of me, but oh well….you turned out to be a scaredy-cat in reality." Ziran said gracefully, leaping forward. He gave Remiel a small pat in an indication of praise. 


"How long are you planning to stay here child?" The old man sitting opposite to her asked kindly while pouring a cup of herbal tea.

"Long enough to cure you." Riwansa accepted the tea with a child-like smile.

Old Han turned over the marble container by him. 

Riwansa lowered her head. She had to let him know about this sometime for sure. It's better to do so at this moment. He would only get angrier if he got to know this from someone else.

"Old Han, do you remember you used to advise me to never let myself be humiliated even if it's for the sake of happiness? You said that self-respect and dignity are more important than momentary pleasure. I wish I had listened to you then." Riwansa could taste the bitterness of the herbal tea sipped into her heart.

"I said momentary pleasure, not a lifetime of happiness. That young man isn't half as bad. At least let him explain himself for once. Lack of conversation ruins a potential future bliss. You are regretting now for listening to me then and you will regret it again I am telling you." The old man slapped his hand on the wooden table at the end.

He was furious and exasperated at the same time. 

"The foolish wallflower awaits dewdrops in the mid of summer" Riwansa quoted without saying anything else.

"Can you for one time just do as I say?" He knew what she was indicating. But it's not always what it appears to be. He had personally chatted with the lad. Though he is not aware of the entire truth, for sure it would be a pity if a pair of lovers let go of each other for someone else's plot. 

"Leave it, leave it, I won't interfere in the young generations' matters anymore." He resignedly rose up from the chair.

"Don't take any decision you will regret in the future. Repeating a mistake won't do you any good." His voice echoed inside her brain.

It's not like she didn't try. But for how long can one persist? Didn't she put on a brave pretense even when she was breaking down from inside. What did she receive in return? A conspiracy to torture her, a mask of caring only to end up hurting her even more. She did absolutely nothing to deserve those. 

This time she is ready to face regrets. She will be responsible for her own actions. 

Trying to be super regular from now on. Powervote and send me gifts to motivate this lazy broke author. Okie?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Light_Breezecreators' thoughts
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