
Snow-Lurking Enemy

Though it was unnervingly absent of malicious creatures during the storm of coldness, there was another enemy that served as an obstacle; the cold itself. 

As droplets of snow rained down on his body, it began to fall numb in completion as he quivered, feeling his strength begin to dwindle in the challenging weather encompassing his march. 

In the stretch before the structure placed atop a hill, a clearing existed, devoid of any trees to create a spacious land. 

...I've got to hurry and get in that building before I freeze to death! He surmised. 

Beginning to move at a faster pace, the frosted grass became a thin layer of snow, then that thin layer of snow became a thick, deep floor of the white, soft powder of concentrated frost that made each step result in his boots sinking into the cold walls of white. 

It's getting colder and colder by the second...what is going on?! Is this some sort of real-time event?! He thought. 

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