
Reckless Abandon

As they traversed the corridors of repugnant flesh, their bickering was the only thing keeping their minds off of the horror around them and the looming anxiety that flooded Ren's mind. All he could think about was reuniting with the rest of the group, worrying about their safety. 

Each step onto the non-firm, squelching ground beneath made his stomach twist, feeling the vibrant warmth of the living, organic floor press against his soles. It slowly began to turn itself into a maze, the texture remaining painfully the same as multiple pathways made themselves known. 

"Left or right?"

"Does it really matter if we have nothing to go off of?"

The two came to a halt when presented with the options before them. Trying to find anything to go off of to sway his decision, Ren simply bounced his finger to and from each pathway. 


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