
why can't dinosaurs talk, because they are dead.

Orario, the self-proclaimed capital of the world, the city of dreams and adventures, the place where the biggest dungeon exists.

in the gates of the city, there was a big line of people, this was normal for the bustling city of Orario, but today there were two people different than the rest, one of them had pure white hair meanwhile the other was an enormous human, the two of them were talking meanwhile waiting to enter.

minutes later the duo was already in front of the line, a soldier with a boring look opened his mouth and said.

Soldier: reason of visit, race, and age.

Badasu: I am a human, 19 years old, came to join a familia

Bell: ah I am a human, 15-year-old, I came to become an adventurer.

the soldier didn't react because this type of people was too normal over here so he just asked for the entrance money and let them enter when the duo entered the bustling city Bell looked at everything in awe, Subaru was doing the same but suddenly with his heightened senses he could feel that someone was staring at Bell, he looked towards the source of the look, what he saw was a beautiful lady with a very sexy dress sitting on a luxury chair while drinking wine, knowing who she was he decided to help his brother using nen on his eyes he directs a cold hard look to the women who surprised by the feeling started to look at Badasu he then takes one knife and attaches a note to it he then following his actions by throwing the knife at an impossible speed, the knife traveled by air until reaching the target, the knife broke the big window and attach itself on the chair inches away of the head of the goddess who was shocked.


today I was doing my daily routine of watching the city gate while drinking wine, I was getting bored and was going to stop when suddenly I see one of the purest souls I had ever seen the soul was of a human teen he had white hair and red eyes, the boy was looking with awe visible in his face the streets and people of Orario, that boy was so pure that I couldn't help myself but start heating up thinking about the things I could do to the boy, but something suddenly interrupted me, a freezing cold look was directed back at me something that shouldn't be possible because of the place, I quickly looked at that direction and what I saw surprised me immensely, there was a human he was very tall with a robust body his face was better than average but what shocked is that I couldn't see his soul, that's something impossible because even gods can not stop my eyes.

(A/N: Freya can see the soul of gods but gods can feel the gaze so that's why she can not use it on them)

he then moved his hand with an impossible speed and throw something in my direction, my window was broken and a knife was stabbed into my seat, I looked at the knife and to my surprise, there was a note attached to it I quickly took it and read it.

Note: if you dare to touch the kid there will be consequences

I looked at the note absent-minded, his actions were so fast that I couldn't that I didn't have time to receive them, moments later when I finally understand what happened I started laughing to myself.

Freya: Hahahahahahahahahaha

At that moment Freya completely forget about the white-haired teen and started to think about Badasu, she didn't seem to notice but she had a crazy glint in her eyes with a massive blush visible on her pale skin, Freya was thinking about how the human could satisfy her.

(A/N: as I have said earlier a harem without a yandere is not a harem)


our protagonist oblivious of the problem he just caused to himself was walking by the streets with Bell, Bell wanted to go to the guild but he forgot on have to have a familia to become an adventurer, as a good brother he didn't say anything and just waited outside of the guild for him.

waiting for a bit we can see how bell goes out with an embarrassed face, badasu slowly goes up to him with a shitty grin, Bell seeing his smile really wanted to punch him but knowing the difference in power he couldn't do anything.

Badasu: sooo what happened??

badasu said with the same grin and a lot of sarcasm

Bell: ha ha ha very funny, let's go.

saying that Bell started walking away from the guild with a flushed face, following him was the laughing Subaru.

the two then walked by the city of Orario, Badasu was accompanying Bell by the different familias he laughed when they refused him and protect him when things were about to get dirty.

at the end of the day, Bell couldn't find a familia so to not make it any worse Badasu made him go find an establishment to sleep, discouraged Bell went to find an inn meanwhile our protagonist slowly walked by the cities of Orario, minutes passed and our protagonist was still walking by the small roads of Orario.

an hour later our protagonist stopped in front of a potion shop, he then walked to the door and opened it.

(??? POV)

???: haaaaaaah

today the shop didn't have too many clients as always, if we continue like this we will never pay the debt we have, goddammit I can't even go to the dungeon because of my missing arm, argh let's not think about it anymore.

i was so inmersed in my own thoughts that i didn't notice the door opening and a person going by it.

Badasu: hello?

hearing someone i quickly got up giving my best smile i started talking.

???: hello dear costumer, we have everything you may need, in what can we help you this evening?

the costumer looked at em and then of a few seconds he said.

Badasu: i want to join the miach familia.

???: ah yes i wi... what did you just say!?

Badasu: i said that i want to join the Miach familia

Next chapter