
Whether or not

The next day.

Evie sighed as she did not know how long she had been looking up at the celling, it was getting so annoying being on bedrest, not because she was sick, but because she could go berserk at any point in time, which her Grandfather did not want happening so she was placed in this room, in isolation.

"Evie, I got you some apples" said Kaylee with a smile as she walked into the room with a tray of freshly peeled apples and Evie sat up as she smiled in delight.

"Mom peeled just the way you like them" said Kaylee as she smiled.

"Yayyy, thank you Kay, Kay, you are the best" said Evie as she hugged Kaylee and she laughed.

"You aren't afraid that I will go crazy and try to bite you?" asked Evie as Kaylee sat down beside Evie.

"No, you won't, I know that you won't hurt me" said Kaylee with a smile as Evie laughed.

"Aww Kay Kay, I love you" said Evie as Kaylee giggled and Evie took a slice of the apple as she bit into it and she loved how juicy It was.

"What, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" asked Evie as she stuffed more apples into her mouth, she just needed more juice, more water.

"No, nothing is on your face, your fangs are out again" said Kaylee as Evie noticed that they were and she licked her fangs.

"They feel weird, I don't even know when they come out" said Evie as she ate more apples.

"Does it hurt when they come out?" asked Kaylee in confusion.

"Well no, I don't feel any pain actually, It's just annoying, they feel so weird, as if they are moving my jawline but whatever" said Evie as she ate more apples and Lucas walked into the room.

"Morning princess" said Lucas with a smile as he gave Evie a kiss on the forehead and she smiled.

"Morning dad" said Evie with a smile.

"How do you feel?" asked Lucas with a smile.

"Good, but hungry to some extent, Kay Kay and mom peeled me some apples" said Evie as she smiled.

"That's nice princess" said Lucas with a smile as he gave Kaylee a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Dad, how come I have fangs and Matt doesn't?" asked Evie as Lucas looked at her.

"Well that's because Matt is a half vampire half witch, meanwhile, you and I match, because we are both vampires" said Lucas as he smiled and he showed off his fangs as Evie and Kaylee laughed.

"I never did notice that you had fangs dad" said Kaylee.

"Well because I hide them, they are only elongated when I eat" said Lucas as he smiled.

"Dad, do you think that I have a chance of also being a witch just like Matt?" asked Evie.

"Well no not really my princess, you see Matt didn't have cravings, or his eye change colour, he was balanced on both sides, you on the other hand are showing more vampire attributes than witch ones, so it's unlikely that you get magic like Matt did" said Lucas.

"No fair, I always wanted magic" said Evie with a pout.

"Well if I'm being honest Evie, Mom won't want you to have magic, it would only make you more lazy" said Kaylee as Lucas laughed.

"Hey be quiet, if anything, I am not lazy, just creatively using my time some other ways" said Evie as Lucas laughed.

"But dad, you are happy that I'm a vampire aren't you? Just like Grandfather" said Evie.

"Princess, whether or not if you are a witch, a vampire, or just plain, I will still love you the same" said Lucas as Evie smiled.

"I'm tired of being stuck in here, I hope that Annie and the others can finish making that fake blood soon, I'm so hungry, it's like I'm eating myself from the inside" said Evie.

"Don't worry princess, you will be fine" said Lucas with a smile.

"We've been in here all morning, and I see no progress" said Maddie as she was shaking a vile full of blood, she, Annie, Matt and the rest were in one of the labs as they were all busy working on one thing or the other.

"And also, how long do I have to shake this thing?" asked Maddie.

"That's enough Maddie" said Curtis as Maddie stopped shaking the vial and she handed it over to Curtis.

"Ollie take this, and compare the nutrients in it" said Curtis as he handed the vial to Ollie who nodded and he poured it into another vial.

"Matt, what does the book say?" asked Ollie.

"Try using a cleansing spell to remove the red pigment" said Matt.

"I don't think that's a good idea, won't a cleaning spell change the components in the blood, it won't just get rid of the red colour, but a bunch of things as well" said Annie.

"I agree, which Is why how about instead of using a cleansing spell, we use a separation spell" said Maddie as everyone looked at her.

"And not just any separation spell a lever 7 separation spell that will allow us to separate ever individual component, so we can just take out what we want to remove and put everything else back together, you know like the spell would act like a way for us to charge up a change" said Maddie.

"Like in nuclear fission?" asked Matt.

"Exactly like nuclear fission, but you know, with blood" said Maddie.

"I mean that can work, but it sounds easier to say than to do" said Ollie.

"Well it is still possible, if we all do the same spell and hold hands" said Curtis.

"I mean it could work, and we can give it a try, because we are using the long way" said Annie as Maddie removed the clear glasses that she was wearing.

"Well then, let's try" said Ollie as he removed his own glasses and he smiled.

"Checkmate" said Evie happily as she just won Levi in chess.

"You see, this is why I don't play board games, they are too easy" said Levi.

"Righttt" said Evie as she laughed and there was suddenly a big boom that echoed around the entire Castle.

"What was that??" asked Evie as she was startled.

"I have no idea" said Levi as he was also startled.

"Sounds like it's coming from the lab" said Evie.

"I can't hear that" said Levi.

"But I can" said Evie.

"Evie dear, I was wondering if you would like to knit with me?" asked Elora as she walked into the room with a smile.

"Sure Grandma, did you hear that?" asked Evie.

"I did dear, that should be Annie and the others in the lab" said Elora.

"Are they okay?" asked Levi.

"They should be, Curtis Is with them" said Elora as Evie nodded.

"*Cough*, *Cough*" said Maddie as she and the other coughed as well.

"We should have done this outside" said Maddie as she coughed, there was smoke everywhere.

"I agree" said Annie as Ollie waved his hand and the smoke cleared away.

"Well did it work?" asked Matt.

"Looks like it, there's no more red colour" said Ollie as he looked at the vial.

"Well now we need to test it to see if it works" said Ollie.

"And how do we do that?" asked Maddie.

"By getting someone to taste it before we give it to Evie, you know as a control just in case of side effects" said Ollie.

"Well let met get my dad" said Matt as he removed the white lab coat he was wearing as Maddie and Annie did the same.

"Okay" said Ollie as Matt walked away.

"It kind of looks like water" said Maddie as she looked at the clear blood.

"I agree" said Annie.

"I wonder how it will taste though, we need an experienced vampire to taste it, to see if it tastes the same or different, which is why Matt's dad is a good choice" said Ollie as Annie nodded.

"Dad, I need you to help me with something" said Matt as he walked into Henry's office where Lucas and Henry were.

"What is it?" asked Lucas as he looked at Matt.

"I need you to taste the blood we just made" said Matt as he never thought he would say such a sentence in his life, but well, here they were.

"Okay" said Lucas.

"Can I come along as well?" asked Henry with a smile.

"Of course you can Grandfather" said Matt as he smiled, he knew that it would be good to have two opinions on this, since they both would know how blood is supposed to taste like.

"Well then, let's go my boys" said Henry with a smile as he stood up and he laughed and Lucas and Matt laughed.

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