
Full truth

"Okay, I am going to go get started on lunch, you all stay here, I am sure that my master will return soon" said Alina as she looked at everyone, today had been a very… difficult day, and well the rain still had not stopped, it would see that the weather contributed to the feelings that they were all having right now.

"Annie, just stay here, and please don't cry anymore, Curtis will wake up soon, please don't disturb him" said Alina as she turned to look at Annie and Annie nodded her head.

"Don't worry, I won't, I will let him rest" said Annie as she sniffed and she nodded her head, the last thing that she wanted to do was disturb Curtis, she was sure that he had not had any form of rest in such a long time now, and it was only in this moment that he was finally actually getting the rest he needed.

"Alright" said Alina as she smiled.

"Please look after Annie, and if anything comes up, don't hesitate to call me" said Alina as she turned to look at Maddie, Matt and Ollie as Ollie and Matt nodded their heads while Maddie was still angry.

"We will" said Ollie as he replied and he looked at Maddie, it was clear that she was annoyed, she made no attempt to hide it at all.

"Alright then, I will be back soon" said Alina as she smiled and she wore the hood of her cloak as she walked out the front door.

"Do you feel better now Annie?" asked Ollie as he looked at Annie in worry as she nodded her head.

"Yes, I feel better now" said Annie as she nodded her head and she sniffed, she was just to relieved that Ivor changed his mind and decided to keep his word, or else, she would not have known what to do, and if he kicked them out in the rain with Curtis in that state, she would not know if they would be able to survive or not, at that moment, it was like everything was crashing down, but not anymore, and It made her feel so relieved.

"I am just so relieved that Curtis is going to be okay" said Annie as she smiled and she sniffed, Curtis' heath was her top priority right now, nothing else mattered.

"So are we" said Ollie as he smiled, he could see that Annie truly felt better now, before she was crying, and she did not even smile at all, but now, she seemed calmer.

"I am just thankful that Ivor changed his mind, and Alina was able to convince him" said Annie as she smiled and she wiped away the reminder of her tears on her face as Matt smiled at her, he was relieved that she looked better now.

"Yeah right, even though he is a selfish man with no regard for his own words, but okay, let's go with that" said Maddie as she smiled and Ollie looked at her as he wondered what her deal was, sure, she had every right to feel the way she did, she was right after all, but she held on to her grudge on another level entirely.

"Stop Maddie, you know, he is right for reacting like that, we did lie to him" said Annie as she looked at Maddie.

"We didn't lie, because last time I checked, he didn't directly as if you were Annie Grey did he now?" asked Maddie.

"He never asked us who we were in depth, and we didn't tell him because we have good reasons for doing so" said Maddie.

"But Maddie, he does have a right to feel angry, after all, he is letting us stay in his house, despite him not knowing us at all" said Annie.

"I knew that we shouldn't have lied" said Annie as she sighed.

"You say it like we have a choice Annie, when we don't none of us do" said Maddie as they all looked at her.

"If we lied to protect ourselves, then I don't consider it lying at all, it's only defending ourselves and keeping ourselves out of trouble" said Maddie.

"But Annie is right Maddie, how would you feel if it turned out that I have been lying to you all this time?" asked Matt as Maddie turned to look at him.

"Exactly" said Ollie as it was clear whose side he was on.

"Well you had your good reasons for lying didn't you?" asked Maddie as Matt sighed, she was really impossible when it came to trying to change her mind.

"Just stop it Maddie, I don't want us to argue right now" said Annie as she shook her head and Maddie kept quiet seeing as she did not want to stress Annie any more than she was already stressed.

"*Sigh*, okay right now, what we have to do is tell the truth… the full truth, everything to Ivor" said Annie as she sighed, she was thinking, they could not risk Ivor getting angry at them again due to a misunderstanding.

"And what do you mean by the full truth?" asked Ollie as Maddie and Matt looked at him, they agreed with him, just what did Annie mean by the full truth?

"Full truth as in why we are here, what happened, and also about us… he needs to know that you are a half vampire, half witch, and he also needs to know that…" said Annie as she looked at Maddie and she was cut off.

"Hold It right there Annie, because I know what you are going to say, and I refuse" said Maddie as she shook her head.

"You are not going to tell Ivor anything about me" said Maddie.

"Do you really think that he will let us stay here if he knows that, that tyrant Azazel is unfortunately my father, even though I have no connection with him at all, he's not going to believe that, to hold it right there, I am going to stay the way I am, because I really don't want anymore problems" said Maddie as she explained, whenever anyone heard that she was Azazel's daughter, they usually looked at her in two ways.

The one being in disgust or spite, and the other being a sense of fear, and right now, Maddie was enjoying being just a normal orphan girl, she really did not want people to look at her different when they knew who her father was.

"So just leave it at that Annie, this isn't about me, it's about you" said Maddie as she spoke her heart to Annie, that was what she really thought about this whole thing.

"Fine Maddie, you are right, I will leave you out of this" said Annie as she knew that Maddie was right, she had no right to tell anyone something that Maddie did not want them to know.

"Thank you" said Maddie as she nodded her head, now she could rest at ease.

Ollie looked at Maddie, he could tell that from the way she spoke about Azazel, she truly had no feelings for him at all, either as a witch, or as her father, she seemed indifferent, and when she spoke about it, she spoke out of hate, Ollie had never seen anyone who spoke about their parents the way Maddie did.

"Alright, so I won't say anything about you… but right now, I am so worried for Curtis, I don't know when he will wake up" said Annie as this whole thing was making her feel so tired of it all.

"Don't worry Annie, Alina said that he will wake up soon, he just needs to rest, and we do to" said Matt as he smiled and Annie sighed, she found it impossible to rest at this point, she was just too tired and yet without Curtis here, she had to protect him and herself as well.

"I really hope so" said Annie as she sighed.

"Annie, don't worry, everything will be fine, we have come this far for us not to be discouraged" said Maddie as she smiled and Annie looked at her as she smiled.

"Besides, we all know how strong Curtis is, that book won't go down without a fight" said Maddie as Annie smiled.

"He died once, but he's here now isn't he? So surely, he will be alive for a thousand more years" said Maddie as she smiled and Annie laughed as Ollie and Matt smiled as well.

"You see Annie, laugh, it's better to laugh in times like this" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Thank you Maddie, thank you" said Annie as she smiled, she wondered what she would do without all of them here with her, she was sure that she would not be able to survive at all, they all meant so much to her.

"Anytime Annie, anytime" said Maddie as she smiled, she was happy that she was able to make Annie laugh for once.

Haha sorry for all the late updates, there was a problem with the internet in my house, but it's fixed now yayy hehe

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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