
What the cat dragged in

"Boss have you considered my plea?" asked Hunter

"Hunter, as much as I would love justice for Liam" said Azazel

"You do not have proof of what you are saying" said Azazel

"And even if I turn a blind eye to what I know you want to do" he said

"I will not be able to step in to save you from those that would want revenge, seeing as you got yourself into the mess yourself" said Azazel

"Remember that you are here on a mission, and that mission is to serve me" said Azazel

"If you deviate from that mission, then my protection is no longer on you" said Azazel coldly.

Hunter gritted his teeth and squeezed his fists, he knew what Azazel was trying to do, he knew that all Azazel wanted him to do was to was to drop this whole matter, and let things be, well he would not let anything be.

He was tired of everyone telling him to give up and stop trying, especially Bruce, who he thought was his brother in arms and race, but no all of them were chickens and hypocrites.

"I understand" said Hunter as he faked a smile, there was no way he was going to let this go.

If he was going to loose Azazel's protection, then so be it! it was not like he was able to protect them anyway, because he did not see the protection at all with the way they were all dying one by one.

He was sure that if he did not do something right now, another one of the rogues would die, and it would of course be the handiwork of that literal witch Selene, their numbers would be dropping like flies.

"Good" said Azazel

"I knew you would be reasonable" he said

"Yes, well can I take my leave now boss??" asked Hunter

"You may go" said Azazel

"Thank you Boss" said Hunter, as he was secretly hatching another plan.

Meanwhile back in the camp.

"Maddie have you seen Matt??" asked Annie as she put the book she was reading down.

"Nope I have not seen him all through out today" said Maddie as she put down the cat book she was reading.

"Oh no, what if he is enchanted like last time??" asked Annie as she thought of the worst already.

"Gosh relax, chill, how did your mind go that far??" asked Maddie as she face-palmed.

"But what if it is true??" asked Annie

"Well anyway, I doubt that, he must just be with Aunt Luc, or his dad, or something, and just to be sure, I put a tracking spell on Matt, just in case something happens like last time" said Maddie as she drew with her finger on a hard surface.

"Wait, hold on, does Matt know??" asked Annie

"Well no he doesn't" said Maddie as she kept on drawing.

"Isn't that like breaching his privacy??" asked Annie

"I mean no, it's for his own safety" said Maddie

"I still think that you should tell him" said Annie

"Gosh relax Annie, it's not like I use it to track the every move of the guy, I only use it in emergencies such as these, when we do not know where he is" said Maddie

"I cannot believe you right now" said Annie

"Wait when did you even get the chance to cast a tracking spell on him?" asked Annie

"Umm not too long ago, after the whole enchantment incident" said Maddie

"Maddie when exactly???" asked Annie

"Umm when we had dinner with everyone when Aunt Luc, and Uncle Lucas arrived, I sat next to Matt, and that was when I casted the spell" said Maddie casually.

"Maddie, how could you?" asked Annie

"Gosh relax, it's not a crime" said Maddie as she felt like Annie was blowing this way out of proportion.

"Oh it is" said Annie

"I am going to tell Matt, what you did" said Annie

"Gosh it's not like that, anyway, according to the tracking spell, he's on his way over here" said Maddie

"Good, perfect, so I can tell him that you casted a tracking spell on him, without his consent" said Annie

"Geez Annie, you are making this seem worse than it is, it's not even that bad, and this is the first time that I have actually used the spell gosh" said Maddie

"Mhmm, regardless of that or not, Matt deserves to know that you are tracking me" said Annie

"If you were tracking me, you would tell me wouldn't you??" asked Annie as she looked at Maddie.

"Ummm" said Maddie as she avoided eye contact with Annie and she scratched her head.

"Maddie you would tell me right??" asked Annie once again.

"Umm I... it depends on your safety, so I would not tell you" said Maddie

"Gosh Maddie, I cannot believe you, how can you do that?" asked Annie.

"Hey what's going on here??" asked Matt as he entered the library, and he could tell that the girls were having another argument again.

"Nothing" said Maddie

"No Matt it's not nothing" said Annie

"Umm okay???" said Matt

"Okay Matt it is something" said Maddie

"I casted a tracking spell on you, so that we would be able to know where you were, when we could not find you, and Annie said that it was not good for me to do such without telling you, so I am sorry" said Maddie as she confessed quickly and she looked down.

"Oh... Umm I thought it was going to be something worse" said Matt as he laughed.

"Anyway, it's alright Maddie, no need to be sad for no reason, you did it for my safety anyway" said Matt

"Really??" asked Maddie as she looked up.

"Of course" said Matt as he smiled.

"This is so not fair" said Annie, she felt like she was being betrayed, why was Matt taking this lightly, and she was now seen as the overreactor.

"What's not fair Annie?" asked Matt

"It's nothing, ignore me" said Annie as she sat down as she was extremely annoyed.

"Ooh okay" said Matt.

"Anyway, I have something that will cheer you up" said Matt as he waved a white envelope.

"Oooh okay what is it??" asked Maddie

"It's a letter from Evie" said Matt as he waved the letter.

"Let me read it" said Matt as he opened the letter.

It read :

'Hello Matt, I don't really care about you, because of course you are fine and you re a big head, who I really want to talk to are my best friends Annie and Maddie.

You better be taking care of the, how is my cute Annie, and how is my prankster, blondie partner Maddie?

I just wanted to tell you that I missed you, and also I could not write more, and tell you about all the things I want to tell you, because I am sure Matt would read this, he's that annoying.

Anyway Byeeee and stay safe


Your Darling Evie'

"She is nothing but a darling" said Matt under his breath.

"Haha it's so funny how Evie said that she could not say some things because she knew you would read it" said Maddie

"Why didn't she just write a different letter to all of us??" asked Maddie as she laughed.

"Yes True why didn't she??" asked Annie as she also laughed, Evie's wacky, sweet, mean to big brother letter, lifted her spirits.

"Well by now my friends, you should know that Evie is the embodiment of Laziness itself" said Matt as he face-palmed

"She must have thought that it was too much work to write three separate letters" said Matt

"I am sure she would have only wrote two actual letters because mine would have been filled of insults, because she could get away with it on paper" said Matt as he felt like pinching his not so little sister.

"Haha give her a break, Evie is so funny" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Yes and she's sweet... most of the time" said Annie

"Haha you say that now, because you are not related to her, she shows her true mischievous colours when no one else is around" said Matt

"Matt you are wrong, have you forgotten that I was once a victim of Evie's pranks" said Maddie

"Oh yes, I did forget" said Matt

"No, nope those were not pranks, it was a literal war" said Annie

"It took you almost dying from being poisoned for Evie to leave you be and you two to stop pranking each other" said Annie as she remembered that horrible time.

"Well as the saying goes, true friendship is built in adversary" said Maddie

"Hahaha oh but not in that kind of adversary" said Annie

"Haha yeah yeah, whatever you say" said Maddie as she laughed.

"You two can say whatever you want" said Matt

"But all I know is that my sister is not as innocent as she seems" said Matt

"And also I am going to keep this letter as proof, to show my mom, just in case Evie needs to do something for me" said Matt as he folded the letter and put it in his pocket.

"Matt that's blackmail" said Annie

"Annie it's not blackmail if it's your pretending to be angelic sister" said Matt as he winked.

Meanwhile in Azazel's camp

Nia's first order of her new job was to clean the room of her new master, which in her opinion was a pigsty, her plan was to quickly tidy up and leave before that woman showed up here.

But all Nia's plans were ruined when she heard the voice of the one she wanted to avoid so badly.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in" said Selene as she smiled wickedly, she had a big grin on her face.

Next chapter