
Snap out

"Well that's enough of that, we still have one more problem to deal with" said Maddie as she leisurely pointed to Matt who was still walking aimlessly like a mindless zombie.

"Oh yes, I actually forgot about him, considering I was almost eaten by mud" said Annie as she laughed, she tried to clean herself off, but it wasn't working, she was covered in mud from chin to toe.

The sun was scorching hot, and it was starting to dry the mud on Annie's body, Annie felt like a cake, she felt like she was being baked alive.

"Just imagine being eaten by mud" said Maddie as she laughed, today was just a very unpredictable day.

"I tell you it's not something funny, I felt like I was going to suffocate, and that scared me" said Annie as she looked at her hands that were fully covered in mud.

"Luckily I tied my hair up today, as if I knew that this was going to happen" said Annie as she rolled her eyes.

"So true, you are very lucky" said Maddie as she laughed

"You don't think that I was also scared??? what did you think I was going to tell your parents, Aunt Stella, and Curtis??" said Maddie

"If I said "Oh hey everyone, I'm alone because well Annie got eaten by this strange multiplying mud, and I was not able to get her out of it, so here I am" I am sure that I would be in serious trouble" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Well now that you put it like that, it actually sounds like something straight out of a cartoon" said Annie as she laughed.

"Yes it does" said Maddie as she laughed.

"But on a serious note, I don't think that this is all just a coincidence" said Maddie as she rubbed her chin.

"You know what?? you are so right, this seems just all too planned" said Annie

"Firstly from Matt just being here, and secondly with me just happening to step on the mud" said Annie

"And I don't think that I just happened to step on that mud, it feels like it was planted there" said Annie

"So true, and seeing as nothing is impossible, I believe that the mud moved to your foot on it's own accord" said Maddie

"I can believe that" said Annie

"*Gasp* What if the mud was enchanted just as how Matt was" said Maddie as they were busy formulating theories.

"I mean it's true, the fact that I couldn't part it was shocking" said Maddie

"Then that means that I was being targeted" said Annie

"Was or still are" said Maddie

"Okay well that's enough theories for now" said Annie as she started feeling a chill running down her spine, she was sure that they were both not safe out here, the best plan for them now was to get back to the camp as soon as possible.

"We better go get Matt, before he keeps on going to who knows where??" said Annie as she pointed to Matt who kept on walking the whole time that they were busy talking.

It was even surprise that he hadn't gone too far by now, seeing as they had been talking for a while now.

"Gosh, I forgot about him again" said Maddie as she walked to catch Matt, and she held his hand so he stopped moving.

"I bet that if we tell him what happened to him, he would not believe us" said Annie as she laughed.

"You know how proud he is, he would never believe us when we tell him that he was being enchanted" said Maddie as she laughed.

"I can just imagine his face" said Annie as she laughed.

"Okay, now time to get serious" said Annie as she briefly looked down to make sure that she was not stepping in any mud again, she could not take any chances!

"Yes, serious time" said Maddie.

"Now here's the thing, how do we snap him out of it??" asked Annie

"Well we have tried calling his name, and that hasn't worked at all" said Maddie

"We, I mean you have tried hitting him, but that didn't work either" said Annie

"Well Hey, excuse me if you love him too much to hit him" said Maddie

"What the heck are you saying" said Annie as she was flustered.

"Hehe" said Maddie as she smirked.

"You know what I'm saying" said Maddie as she winked.

"Not now Maddie, not now" said Annie as she calmed herself down.

"Well why are you so flustered when I said that you love him" said Maddie as she wasn't going to let Annie live this down.

"Of course I love him, he's my friend" said Annie as she defended herself quickly.

"Hmm whatever you say" said Maddie

"Anyway, so hitting him, or calling him doesn't work, so we need to break the enchantment" said Maddie

"Come on Annie your turn, you must have come across an enchantment breaking spell somehow, you have been studying a lot, so maybe you just need to think really deeply" said Maddie

"Okay Maddie, then let me try to remember" said Annie

"Oh and I would love to be supportive and all, and say take you time but..." said Maddie

"Remember we don't have much time left, I think that the sun will set soon" said Maddie as she realized that the sun was starting to set.

"Thank you for your honesty Maddie" said Annie

"Oh your welcome" said Maddie as she let go of Matt arm, her hand was tired from holding him all this while.

"Aha I got it" said Annie

"Oooh so what have you got?" asked Maddie as she held Matt's arm again.

"I remember seeing something in the book Professor Sapiens gave me" said Annie

"Okay and??" asked Maddie

"There was this chapter on Enchantment" said Annie

"I didn't finish the whole chapter, But I did manage to memorize a simple enchantment breaker spell" said Annie

"So do you think that it would work on Matt?" asked Maddie

"Well the only way to know for sure is to try" said Annie

"Well okay then" said Maddie as she moved and dropped Matt's arm, she didn't want to be accidentally hit by a spell that wasn't meant for her.

"He's all yours" said Maddie as Matt began to walk in a straight line again.

Annie focused on Matt, but she didn't close her eyes this time, she had to make sure that she was aiming in the right direction.

"conteram incantationem" she said

In a few seconds, Matt just stopped moving, and to their surprise he suddenly collapsed.

"Umm was that supposed to happen??" asked Maddie as she rushed to Matt's side.

"Well I don't know, I have never done the spell before??" said Annie as she was panicking, did she do something wrong??

Maddie used her hand and she opened Matt's eye lid.

"I think it worked" she said as she saw that his eyes were no longer pale, but they were back to their natural colour.

"Phew, thank goodness" said Annie.

"I think that he's sleeping" said Maddie

"Okay that should be a good thing" said Annie

"Well that sorts out that, now we need to get out of here and get back to camp" said Maddie

"Okay then how do we get Matt out of here??" asked Annie

"Well someone has to carry him obviously" said Maddie

"Oh no way, he's too heavy" said Annie

"Well relax, just use a levitating spell" said Maddie

"Oh okay, I forgot about that" said Annie as she laughed.

"Haha, well you will obviously be the one to carry him, I'm too weak from that spell earlier" said Maddie

"Well okay then" said Annie as she just lifted her hand, and Matt began to levitate in the air.

"Well do you still remember how we got here??" asked Annie

"Yes No worry, I still have the map" said Maddie

"Well then lead the way" said Annie as she followed behind Maddie, with Matt levitating after her.

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