
The end of the blackmail

"Well we finally met our Grandfather" said Matt

"Oooh that's nice" said Maddie

"Haha yes that is nice" said Annie as she smiled, she had been reading a lot lately and that was what she was doing until Matt knocked on their door.

"Ahh so that's why you were not at dinner" said Maddie

"Yes" said Matt

"So how is your Grandfather?" asked Annie

"Well he's doing very well, and he's actually a professor here" said Matt

"What really?" asked Annie

"Yes, I think I heard my dad call him Professor Sapiens" said Matt

"What no way!" exclaimed Maddie

"What??" asked Matt

"Well, that's the same Professor that is bullying Annie" said Maddie

"What?" said Matt

"Haha Matt, don't mind Maddie" said Annie as she looked at Maddie with a "How could you say that?" kind of face.

"He's not bullying me, he's just not friendly that it" said Annie as she turned to face Matt and smiled.

"Well okay if you say so" said Matt

"And I do say so" said Annie

"Haha sorry for raising a false alarm" said Maddie as she smiled sheepishly

"Haha it's fine" said Matt

"Annie??" asked Maddie like a cute puppy

"Fine, you are forgiven" said Annie

"Haha Yayyyyy" said Maddie

"Well it's getting late now, I better go" said Matt

"True, Goodnight" said Annie

"Goodnight" said Matt

"Bye Matt" said Maddie

"Bye" said Matt as he closed the door behind him.

Morning came quickly and a certain Sundew was on mission, it was non other than the third oldest Sundew, Levi and he walked to his parents room with a determined look on his face.

Levi knocked on the door and in turn he received a "Come in" from his mother.

"Umm Mom I have to tell you something" said Levi as he entered the room.

"Sure what is it Levi?" asked Lucinda as she was folding some clothes.

"Umm well I have something to tell you" said Levi

"Mhmmm" said Lucinda

"Well mom I may or may not have taken my tablet without your permission" said Levi

"Levi what do you mean by that?" said Lucinda

"I'm sorry mom" said Levi

"Who gave it to you?" asked Lucinda suspiciously

Levi was quiet, he did not want to get his Aunt Bella in trouble so he did not answer and just said "That's besides the point, but what I know is that I disobeyed you and I'm sorry and I need to be punished" said Levi

"You are right, you deserve to be punished for disobeying me" said Lucinda

"So where is your tablet?" asked Lucinda

"Here" said Levi as he moved the hand he was hiding behind his back and handed his mom his tablet.

"Thank you" said Lucinda

"Now your punishment is, you will write "I will not disobey my mother" on paper 100 times" said Lucinda

"Awww, but mom" said Levi

"No buts, I give you till this evening or else" said Lucinda seriously

"Yes mom" said Levi as he sighed sadly

"Good, now is that all, or do you have something else to tell me?" asked Lucinda with a raised eyebrow

"Ahh no no mom, I better go now and get started on my punishment" said Levi as he smiled sheepishly

"Byeee" said Levi as he left the room quickly, before he got into more trouble.

"Bella, you really are spoiling my children" said Lucinda as she face-palmed herself and sighed.

Of course she knew that it was Bella who gave Levi back his tablet after she took it from him, she was the only one who dared to disobey her, wow what a friend she had.

"This is so not fair" moped Levi as he went to his room, he was going to have to ask Matt for paper now, in order for him to complete his punishment.

He knew that this was going to come, after all his mother was strict when it came to punishments, she was not as lenient as their father.

"Hey Levi, I need you to do something for me... again" said Evie as she entered into Levi's room.

"NO" replied Levi

"Hey what?? I didn't even tell you what it is yet" said Evie

"You don't have to" replied Levi

"Well anyway, you have to do it anyway or elseee I will tell mom about your tablet" said Evie in an almost singing tone

"Haha well goodluck with that, I already told her, so you have nothing on me" said Levi victoriously.

His sister was the real reason he went to confess to him mom himself, because he knew that if he didn't Evie would hold it over his head, and send him to run all her errands, because that was how wicked she could be.

"Ahh what no way you actually told her" said Evie

"Well as you can see, I am serving my punishment right now, I have to write "I will not disobey my mother" 100 times" said Levi as he sighed, he had only written the sentence 10 times and his hand was already aching him.

"Awww no fair, Levi" said Evie

"Haha well you have nothing on me, so just leave and go find someone else to do your errands, or better still do them yourself" said Levi

"Ughh" said Evie as she was annoyed and left his room.

Levi smiled, it was worth it seeing the defeated look on Evie's face, but now he had more pressing matters, he sighed as he looked back at his paper, he still had a long way to go.

Meanwhile in the training room.

Stella and Annie were in their normal morning routine when Stella asked a very odd question.

"So my dear, tell me, what is a spell that you find very easy to do?" asked Stella

"Well I guess that it's the first spell I learnt, the Levitatis spell" said Annie

"Ahh well then let's try it" said Stella

"Like now?" asked Annie

"Yes" said Stella

"Or do you not remember the words of the spell?" she asked

"Ahh no no I do" said Annie

"Good, then levitate this" said Stella as she removed a white hair clip from her hair.

"Okay" said Annie

"Just focus on the object and say the spell out loud" said Stella

Annie focused on the hair clip in Stella's hand and she said the words "Levitatis incantatores" and to her surprise it actually worked

"It worked!!" said Annie joyfully

"And on the first time too" she said

"Haha well done my dear" said Stella as she smiled

"Thank you Aunt Stella, but is it just going to stay there?" asked Annie

"Haha well just say "cadere"" said Stella

"cadere" said Annie and the hair clip fell back down.

"Now let's try again, but this time don't say the word incantatores, just say the levitatis" said Stella as she picked up her hair clip from the floor.

"Okay" said Annie

Once again Annie focused on the hair pin and this time she said "Levitatis" and to her surprise the hair clip actually worked.

"Good Job" said Stella

"cadere, Thank you Aunt Stella" said Annie as she smiled

"So now that we know that you can lift objects, why don't we try witches?" said Stella

"Huh?" asked Annie

"Try to levitate me" said Stella with a smile

"Are you sure??" asked Annie

"Yes I am dear, and just like last time only say Levitatis" said Stella as she put back her hair clip in her hair.

"Okay" said Annie

Annie focused on Stella's figure and she squinted her eyes in an attempt to focus clearly.

"Levitatis" she said and after a few seconds, Stella was lifted into the air.

"I did it??" asked Annie in disbelief

"Of course you did it dear, why am I floating then?" asked Stella as she laughed at Annie's reaction

"Haha I did it!!" said Annie in excitement.

"So are you going to put me down now?" asked Stella as she was still levitating and her head almost reached the celling.

"Haha yes yes, sorry Aunt Stella" said Annie as she smiled

"Cadere" she said and Stella came crashing to the ground with a thud

"Oh my gosh I am so so so sorry" said Annie as she rushed to Stella's side.

"It's okay dear, we need to work on your landing" said Stella as she laughed and stood up from the floor.

"I am so so so so so sorry" said Annie

"Haha Annie, I said that it was fine" said Stella as she patted Annie on her head.

"Thank you" said Annie

"Haha your welcome, now let's try something harder" said Stella

"Like what?" asked Annie

"Well try to lift me again, but this time without voicing out the spell, do it in you mind" said Stell

"In my mind?" asked Annie

"Yes, in your mind" said Stella as she pointed to Annie's head

"Okay" said Annie

She moved back to her original position and she focused once again on Stella.

"Levitatis" she said in her mind.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, four and five seconds passed and nothing happened.

"It didn't work" said Annie

"Aww don't worry dear, it takes practice" said Stella

"But I think that is enough for today" said Stella

"Okay, bye Aunt Stella, Thank you" said Annie

"Your welcome dear" said Stella as she smiled, he was really proud Annie was making good progress and fast, which was just what they needed.

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