
Are You Our Grandfather?

"Mom where are we going?" asked Evie ecstatically as she looked outside the carriage that was moving very fast.

"Well we are going to visit your Grandfather, but first before we do that we have a place to stop" said Lucinda as she caressed Noey's head as he was sleeping in her lap.

"Oooh okay" said Evie as she continued looking out the window

"Dad how is Grandfather like?" asked Evie as she looked at her Dad and the others followed in suite and asked too

"Yes Dad how is he like?" asked Matt

"Yes What does he like?" asked Kaylee

"What does he look like?" asked Levi as he was bored since he wasn't with his tablet and playing games as usual

"Yes does he look old, or serious or funny??" asked Ellie as she and Celeste stopped colouring in their colouring books

All the children looked at their Dad with expectant eyes.

"Ahh you all want to know about my old man?" asked Lucas cheekily and they all nodded.

"Well it's been a long time since i saw him, so i think he has aged a bit" said Lucas

"Oooh Oooh Dad do you think that he has white hair now?" asked Evie

"Oh Princess i don't know maybe he does" said Lucas

"Dad, what does your Dad look like?" asked Kaylee

"Haha well he also had orange hair, it runs in the royal family bloodline, and people say that we look alike" said Lucas as he seemed to remember something

"Haha Really? people like who Dad?" asked Matt

"Haha many people, like your mother and your Uncle Jake" said Lucas

"Uncle Jake?" asked Evie

"Haha Yes Jacob we grew up together we are practically brothers so he's your uncle" explained Lucas.

"Oooh okay i get it now" said Evie

"Oooh Dad what about Grandmother? you never talk about her that much" said Evie

Immediately there was a glint of sadness in Lucas's eyes but it quickly went back to normal and he said

"Ah my mother well she died when i was very young" said Lucas

"Aww that's so sad Dad i am sorry" said Evie

"It's okay Princess" said Lucas

"So Dad how old were you when she died?" asked Matt

"Oh well not too old i was 500" said Lucas casually

Matt almost choked on the water he was drinking and Evie looked dumbfounded

"Wait What?? 500?? Dad how old are you?" asked Matt as he was shocked and so were the other children

"Hey what's the big idea i was so young" replied Lucas cheekily

"Hmm i remember that i was about the size of Noey back then" said Lucas

"Okay okay Dad how old are you?" asked Matt suspiciously

"Well i am not telling" said Lucas playfully

"Hey Mom no fair please tell us how old dad is" said Evie

Lucinda just laughed and said "It's not in my place to tell you, i guess you just have to convince him to tell you" she said as she laughed

"Aww no fair" said Evie

"Okay okay but in a more serious note, since Vampires age very slowly then how come all of us age normally?" asked Matt

"Well my boy that's because your blood is mixed so you would age normally like a witch does" explained Lucas and Matt nodded with an oh

"We're here!" said Lucinda as the carriage finally stopped.

Everyone got out of the Carriage and Lucinda Thanked the carriage driver.

The children were awed by how huge the house was in fact scrap that, it didn't look like a house it looked like a huge manor and it was right behind a majestic forest.

"Mom where are we?" asked Evie with her mouth still open looking at the Manor.

"We are at my house" said Lucinda as she carried the still sleeping Noey and went to knock on the door and the rest followed.

Lucinda knocked on the door and there was a middle aged woman that answered it.

"Sophie!!" said Lucinda as she hugged the dark haired brown eyed middle aged woman

"Lucinda??" asked Sophie in shock and Lucinda just nodded her head.

"Oh dear come in come in" said Sophie as she was very happy and everyone came in.

"Lucinda it's been so long you look so old now" said Sophie

"Haha Sophie you are one to talk" said Lucinda

"Haha" said Sophie

"Sophie i would like you to meet my husband Lucas" said Lucinda as she introduced then

"Haha Lucas nice to meet you" said Sophie as she shook his hand.

"Yes it's nice to meet you too" said Lucas

"And these are my children Matt, Evie, Kaylee, Levi, Ellie, Celeste, Mark, Frankie, Edward and Little Noey is over here in my arms" said Lucinda

"Oooh Lucinda i see that you and Lucas have been busy" said Sophie as she winked and Lucinda avoided her gaze.

"Hello Aunty Sophie it's nice to meet you" said Matt and all his other siblings followed in suit

"Aww you all are so cute!!" said Sophie as she looked very happy

"Well you all must stay for dinner" said Sophie

"Aww Sophie i wished that we could but we are actually going to the Vampire realm and we can't stay for long" explained Lucinda

"Aww okay i understand but next time i am not taking no for an answer" said Sophie

"Okay" laughed Lucinda

"Umm Sophie are my parents home?" asked Lucinda

Sophie shook her head and said "No they haven't been home for a long time, they are always busy i have been the only one here" said Sophie

"Oh okay" said Lucinda as she sighed in relief, she didn't think that she had the energy to meet her parents.

"Well Sophie it was nice meeting you again but we have to get going now, where is Chris?" asked Lucinda

"Ahh no problem Lucinda, you and your family can come back whenever you want, Chris is in the stables as always i trust that you still know your way around the house?" asked Sophie and Lucinda said "Yes i do haha"

"Good then see you next time dear and safe journey everyone" and with That Sophie went back to the kitchen and left the family all alone.

"Mom where are we going??" asked Evie as they were walking through the corridors

"We are going to the stables Evie" said Lucinda

"Oooh Mom can we see your old room?" asked Evie

"Oh dear we are in a hurry right now but next time we come i will definitely show you my room okay?" said Lucinda and Evie nodded in agreement

All of them followed Lucinda outside and there was a huge stable, and Lucinda walked right into it and she saw a not so old midnight black stallion, she gave Noey to Lucas and immediately ran to the horse.

"Max!!" said Lucinda as the horse turned to look at her and seemed happy and let her nuzzle his snout.

"Oooh so cool Mom is that your horse??" asked Evie with stars in her eyes

"Yes dear he is, everyone meet Max" said Lucinda

Evie came forward to touch him and Max looked to Lucinda for approval

"Haha Max don't worry she's my daughter and they are my children and that's my husband they won't hurt you" said Lucinda

Max seemed to neigh as if he understood and he left Evie touch him

"Oooh he's so soft" said Evie and the other immediately started touching him too.

Max seemed to keep looking at the quiet Celeste who just caressed him lightly looking at his dark fur.

"Oh what is this here??" asked a familiar voice

"Chris!!' said Lucinda as she was very happy to hear his voice once again

"Madam Lucinda??" asked Chris in disbelief and he looked at her face and was sure.

"Chris how are you?" asked Lucinda as she hugged him, he had nor aged a bit

"I am good and how are you? and i suppose that these cute children are yours?" he said as he laughed

"Haha Yes everyone say hi to Chris" said Lucinda

And all the siblings greeted Chris but their attention was still on Max.

"That is Lucas my husband" said Lucinda and Lucas walked forward and shook Chris's hand

"Nice to meet you Lucas" said Chris

"Nice to meet you too Chris" said Lucas

"So Chris can you please do me a favor and take us to the Vampire realm" said Lucinda

"Haha of course anything for you Lucinda" said Chris

"Thank you!" said Lucinda

Chris readied the Carriage and the children were still playing with Max

"Children time to go" said Lucinda

"Awww" said all the children

"Don't worry next time we come back you can play with Maxy all you want" said Lucinda and that seemed to make them budge

"Bye Maxy see you later" said Evie and with that they entered the Carraige

"Chris can we please stop somewhere before we go?" asked Lucinda

"Of course!" said Chris

After being in the Carriage for a while Chris finally stopped and Lucinda told the others to wait in the Carriage and they did.

She walked over to a Manor that looked like hers but was more classy she knocked on the door and the door opened itself, she heard the voice of a familiar woman.

"Mother if that's you i am still not marrying that duke" said the voice as she was in another room.

Lucinda walked to a room that she knew well and she entered "Well if i am not welcome here i can go" joked Lucinda

Bella's eyes went wide and she dropped the book she was reading and hurriedly went to hug Lucinda.

"Lucy i missed you when did you arrive?" she asked as she still hugged Lucinda like no tomorrow

"Haha Belle i just arrived and i came with whole family'" said Lucinda as Bella stopped hugging her

"Oooh can i see them??" asked Bella

"Hah not right now i just made a quick stop we are going to the Vampire realm to see Lucas's Father but when we come back you can definitely see them, then we can talk" said Lucinda

"Aww okay well safe journey then Bestie and goodluck" said Bella

"Haha Yes Thank you Belle" said Lucinda and she went

"Okay Chris let's go!" said Lucinda as she entered the Carriage and they were on their way.

All the children slept on the way, it seemed like they were tired, and they missed the beautiful scenery before them.

They finally arrived at the palace the same a Crystal clear Lake was in front of them and brought out so many memories for Lucas and Lucinda.

"Wake up everyone we are here" said Lucinda and they all woke up and once they stepped out of the Carriage they were all awed by the beauty, the place really lived up to a Castle's standards.

"Come on everyone let's go inside" said Lucinda and they all followed.

"Your Majesty there are some people here for you" said a guard

"Let them in" said King Henry as he was sitting in a chair looking out the window

Lucinda, Lucas and the children walked inside and they saw an old man with grey hair looking out the window and Evie said "Hello are you our Grandfather??" without thinking

The old man turned to look at them and said "Who is asking?"

"Well it's Evie Sundew" said Evie and everyone wanted to make her stop talking

"Then i guess i am little lady" said King Henry

"Haha Awesome!!!" said Evie as she walked towards King Henry and said

"Helloooo grandfather nice to meet you can i be queen??" said Evie without thinking.

And that question left everyone in the room dumbfounded

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Who thinks that Evie has no bounds?? lol

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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