
Thick Smoke

That night, Briceus dreamed a dream instigated by a lurking dark shadow which waited until the firmness of twilight to wiggle its way into his mind while he slept.


In his dream, Briceus found himself in the heart of a dark and gloomy forest.

The featureless ashen fog which was tangibly thick blocked his vision so much so that he could not see what lay ahead save for the frosted crystals deposited on a variety of grass blades below his footstand.

Briceus' mind was instantly wound up at the scenery of all this. 'It should not be the time of the winter season for the fogs to be so dense but even at that, why is there a forest about me? Oh! I see it must be one of those dreams' he concluded but before he could further explore his surroundings, a gust of wind ominuosly chilled breezed past him in a flick of a second.

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