
Seize Her!

The expression on everyone's face tightened up immediately the King's words echoed thunderously through the hallway.

At this time, Sigrid was at a loss for what to do and what explanation to give, but her years of skilfully masking up her true emotions came to aid her at once. Thus, she stood still, elegant and proper; shoulders propped, straight-backed, and chin in perfect alignment with the rest of her features, while revealing no peculiar emotion.

The court lady, in this act, was to all eyes the most composed, despite the current situation. Even though Sigrid was thoroughly shaken up and greatly frightened on the inside, she did not incline herself to let it show.

Meanwhile, the brief second that had lingered on, before the arrival of Lord Briceus, the King's right-hand man-- Ezekiel, also accompanied by a number of able-bodied knights, the maid-servants who had only just helped Elizabeth back on her feet, had performed some magic.

This, they had done, by swiftly retreating from the doorpost which led to the King's former room, and back to their stand-points with the other maid-servants behind the Court lady, Sigrid. They were fast enough, both pale-skinned beauties--Meera and Ayda.

They were wise and quick to retain their positions behind the Court lady before the king had appeared together with his escorts.

Leaving Elizabeth by herself, Meera and Ayda feared for the maiden's sake. They pondered on what the king's verdict would be, seeing as the king had just arrived to behold a maiden standing directly in front of the door of his former room. The room which he had occupied whilst he was still a prince.

Surely, a lot of misunderstanding could sprout from that seemingly harmless situation.

Also, since they had only just heard the unhealthy tales of Briceus's heartless and brutal coldish demeanor from when he had lived on with the Vikings' Clan in the far north, they froze deeper in fear.

The maidens, including the Castle's court lady, Sigrid, had not spent much time with the newly appointed king, Briceus, to have an idea of what he was truly capable of, and if what they had heard about him was merely an exaggerated opinion.

In all this, Sigrid was the most worried about Elizabeth whose name she was yet to verify from the maiden herself.

Whereas Elizabeth stood puzzled. Her vision darted from the court lady and the other maid-servants, to the King's overshadowing gaze which she perceived to have murderous intent. Thus, she withdrew her eyes back to the little bulb of thoughts lighting explosively in her head.

'What do I do? What do I say?' pondered Elizabeth.

Just then, Zeke broke the minute's brief silence with his words.

"The king asked a question, and you all remained silent? Are you really prepared to die?" threatened Zeke, as he went as far to unsheathe his sword.

However, Sigrid was quick to attempt an explanation.

Firstly, she took a bow to acknowledge the presence of the king, and so did the other maid-servants behind her. They did so, in sync, while Elizabeth remained stiff (although not of her own accord).

Briceus, however, wasn't in the mood for their ceremonial greeting. He was impatient, and if an explanation wasn't offered in time, someone was doomed to suffer from his wrath.

"Your majesty," Sigrid began as she bowed couthly and ladily, while holding onto both sides of her garment that her hands could reach.

Then, she continued.

"Your lordship, I apologize for this inconvenience but if you will permit me to explain the situation according to my little knowledge then I shall," said Sigrid.

Briceus nodded for her to continue while he held out his hand and placed it on Zeke's hand which was holding onto his unsheathed sword. Zeke understood the meaning, and put away his sword at once.

Once Sigrid saw that the King was determined to hear her out, she felt relief.

"Your lordship, this maiden here, appears to have been lost and could not find her way out like the others. I, and the beauties behind me, have only just acquainted ourselves with her as well. We were talking just now when you made your entry, milord. On my mother's grave I vow that I have told you the truth in all honesty," concluded Sigrid as she awaited the king's verdict.

Elizabeth was still stiff. Her motor functions had deserted her. She realized that she could neither move nor speak, and it frightened her the most because she needed to speak up for herself.

'Dear god or whatever deity exists, I hope I can get out of this mess. For this man, whose face reveals such ethereal beauty, also bestows on my poor heart such dreary darkness that overwhelms me whole. I hope he hears me out, and doesn't punish me by any means! Aye! My suffering! And all because of Louisa's necklace,' thought Elizabeth in her frightened little heart.

After the court lady had spoken her words, there was a moment of awkward silence that erupted in the corridor where they all stood.

'If only the king would permit her to leave and not think of more complicated possibilities, I shall help her out of the castle myself,' thought Sigrid.

'Poor maiden! The court lady has done all that she can to help her out. I hope the king's verdict shouldn't be harsh on her,' thought Meera.

'How could she have lost her way and ended up at the wrong side of the Castle? I hope the king accepts lady Sigrid's explanation and pardons the maiden,' thought Ayda.

'Hm, I doubt if his highness will take the idea of a maiden standing in front of his room likely, even more so the room of his childhood,' reasoned Zeke.

While everyone hoped and thought, Briceus had something else in mind, especially now that he had allowed himself to take a proper look at the maiden.

He recognized her at once as the one who had stood still while every other maiden had acknowledged him in greeting, a while back in the hall of Tarmath.

He knew he was not mistaken, he could not mistake her eyes...

'This is strange indeed! The maiden I had seen last time is now here before my room? Also did I not hear the slamming of the door? Who was to say that the maiden had not gone deeper into my room, and had only just come out in time to be seen by the Court lady?

Now that I think deeper, she had obstinately stood still and looked at me stubbornly with those jade-like eyes of hers back in the hall of the maiden selection.

Does that mean she was passing a message across? An odious one? Mocking me silently for the calamity that was soon to befall the kingdom? My kingdom?

Haha! Here I was searching out the demonic entity which I suspected had retained its position within the castle walls, and it was this girl all along?

We will see!' This, Briceus concluded in his heart as he set out to fulfil his next line of action.

"So... if I am correct... lady Sigrid, you said that you have only just acquainted yourselves with this maiden by my room. Is that true?" asked Briceus.

Sigrid was swift to reply the king softly.

"Yes, your lordship. It is as you have said," muttered Sigrid in affirmation.

"Then, are you claiming ignorance of the fact that this creature of the dark standing before us and presenting itself in human form, had only just come out of my room and slammed the door shut?" asked Briceus wittingly.

Elizabeth could not believe her ears...

'Me? Did his majesty just address me as a creature of the dark?' pondered Elizabeth.

Meanwhile, Sigrid was almost suppressed by the King's suspicions which were not inadequate. She figured it best to explain further.

"Your lordship, I-" said Sigrid.

"Enough!" ordered the king, Briceus.

His coarse voice was authoritative and fearful as he silenced everyone.

Elizabeth began to feel sweaty, and terribly frightened. She was sorely afraid and did not anticipate what awaited her next.

"Seize her!"

Next chapter