
They Found The Hideout

It had been an entire day since I heard anything from the scouting team. But in that time frame I was able to get wounded back to the Palace, and the dead where they belong. The field constantly smelt like rotting flesh and stale blood. It was not an appealing smell, but it was getting better every time we burned a batch of bandit bodies. We did them in small piles so we wouldn't cause a huge grass fire. We didn't have the water supply around to be able to stop such a huge fire. So small piles where just more convenient. With the last pile burned this morning, the forest was safe from hazards for one more day. Not that there was much of a forest anyway.

It was a small meadow that surrounded us. Perfectly plowed fields laid scattered about in preparation for the early spring seeding. But now with the master of the house deceased, I doubt that they would have a successful harvest this year. The oldest male of the household was a measly 8 years old and was barely learning the ropes. The oldest daughter would have to learn how to sow properly if they where to continue staying out passed the safety of the Kingdom walls. It was an uncommon practice, but it they wanted to survive that was what would happen.

I felt bad for the family. The father had already died before we reached the scene of the attack so, there was nothing we could do about it, but I still felt at fault. If there was only something we could have done to prevent this in the first place. Like found the base from the start and killed them all off in one go. But they are sneaky bastards and are easily evadable. They always manage to get away without a trace in the wind to spot them. But not this time. I wouldn't turn back until the camp was disposed of. At least that would make me feel better.

"A messenger has returned with news from your father your Majesty." General Bregus said coolly as he placed a parchment paper with a red wax seal on it to me. With a tired sigh I accepted it. I didn't really want to read the contents inside the seal. With my sleepless night, my eyes where too tired to read his finely scrawled writing. I opened it, anyway, carefully pulling at the wax seal. I unfolded the parchment paper and squinted, trying to focus my eyes on the small lettering.

As a King I applaud your decision to stake out and search for the bandits, but as a father I can not agree to let my successor to remain on the field. You should return immediately to the castle. General Bregus is more than capable of handling this on his own. As for your reports of the casualties, their families have already been reported. Those that have been injured are resting now and are working on recovering. Considering what I heard from the messenger, it was amazing that you could even keep this many alive. You never cease to amaze me, and when the Council show up within the next week, they would agree that making you a Knight was a great idea. Upon the receival of this letter, I expect to see you home shortly.

Sighing heavily and grimacing, I folded the paper neatly back into its sealed form and tossed it into the last burning pile of bodies. I watched the fire lap hungrily at the parchment, devouring it until it was no more. There was no way I would be going back empty handed once again. It was my responsibility to handle this issue, and I would see it through to the end. So, father can get angry with me when I got back, I would take the heat. I wouldn't, no I couldn't feel at ease until I knew for sure that this bandit camp was disbanded, and we didn't have at least something to compensate us for our troubles.

"You look unwell Alliah. What did your father say?" General Bregus asked as he stood and watched the flames with me. The smell of burning bodies had dulled my nose so much that I couldn't even smell the disgusting smell in the air. I silently watched the flames as I debated on whether or not I should tell the General the contents of the letter. When it came to trust I would give him my whole life, and even though he was devoted to me, he was still also very loyal to my father. But in times like these, I feel he would take my side. He knew I could handle conquering a bandit camp. It wouldn't be the first time that we had to take over an enemy campsite.

"My father demands for my return. But I have no desire to do so until I know that the Bandit camp has been neutralized. I want to see these bastards fall for myself. It's the only way I will get any sleep at night." I said blandly. The General grew quiet beside me. For an instance I thought he would have dragged me over to a horse and forced me to leave, but he just gently clapped me in the shoulder. I pulled my eyes away from the fire and stared at him. A small smile formed on my lips as he gave a small half smile. A sign that he decided to accept my decision.

"We can always just say that the letter was read after detaining the camp. Things can get pretty crazy on the battlefield, and right now we need as many soldiers as we can. That Includes our fearless Princess." General Bregus said with a wink and a wicked grin. I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was never the one to try and cheer others up so when he did, it was out of character and unexpected. He knew that my father's words where final and yet, he was still rebellious. This is why I kept the General at top of command when I took over my father's army. I knew that he could be reliable when the times called for it despite his loyalty to my father.

Although when we got back, my father would have both our heads once we returned. He didn't like not being listened too, and his temper these days where short. I only hoped that he would understand why we did what we did and forgive us in the long run. It's not like we where doing these things to purposely make him mad. I just wanted to make sure the job was going to get done, and properly. Was that really so much to ask for? It's not like this is my first time camping outside of the Palace either. Numerous skirmishes where held out under the stars. So why was he acting so weird this time around? Did he think I was shirking my responsibilities?

"Princess Alliah, it looks like a scout has finally returned." Captain Bregus stated. I looked up from the fire and found that he was looking left of the fire we where watching. A single scout was heading this way on horseback, hooves beating frantically on the ground as it hustled to reach our destination. The closer he got, the more I could see the set look of determination and I knew that he had found our missing bandits. We could finally end this once and for all. I patted General Bregus on the back and we both walked towards the galloping soldier, hope renewed in all of us.

The Scout pulled his horse up next to us. It shook his mane and neighed loudly in response as it tried to settle down from the long gallop. Just like me, the scout's eyes where black underneath them. He looked tired and exhausted from staying up all night. He was another young soldier as well. Black thick hair pulled into a tight ponytail atop his head, dark blue eyes that screamed he had seen better days. His posture was held high, but you could tell he was wary from travel, and from battle. He had a perfect tan that even I was jealous of. Unlike the Knights and Soldiers, the scouts wore boring black cloth so they could blend in with their surroundings and not get caught.

"Your Majesty we found them. But you will not like what I have to say." I waved the Scout to go on, not really interested in what he thinks I will and won't like. With a simple nod he continued. "They don't act like bandits. For one their mercenary skills have far exceeded our expectations. I wouldn't peg them as assassins, but they aren't ordinary thugs and hoodlums. They have set up a base for recruitment, and what ever they recruit is either sent out to fight, or out to another unknown location. We suspect it could possibly be another base." The General and I eyed each other with the same suspicious look before turning back to the Scout. This could spell trouble if this was more than a Bandit infestation. But if they weren't Bandits or Assassin's, what could they possibly be? Rebels perhaps? What could we have done to cause a rebellion?

"Alright, let's gather the troops and head out now. We can disassemble the camp on our way back. I am sure we will be camping out one more night before we head home anyway." I motioned for General Bregus to follow. I dismissed the scout and told him to grab whatever left-over food we harvested from the bear and he readily accepted. When we where out of ear shot, I placed a thoughtful hand on my chin, not exactly sure what to make of the situation.

"This doesn't sound like something Bandits would normally do. Almost like they are rebelling. Don't you think your Majesty?" I grinned sadly in response. Our thoughts where always on the same page. It was like he could read my mind sometimes and it was uncanny.

"I couldn't agree more General. They almost seem like hired lost mercenaries. Not unskilled thugs desperate to steal a few coins. Although their motives line up with being bandits, something more foul is at play. Let's raid this camp that they found and tie up anyone that could possibly give us answers. We will come back and torture them here until we find anything useful. I don't want to go back empty handed." The General nodded, also thoughtfully stroking his chin.

I didn't know what unsettled me worse. The fact that these where planned deliberate attacks to throw our kingdom into disarray, or because I wasn't exactly sure why there was such a rebellion to being with. I would have to send father a message and let him know what had developed. I am sure he would find this information just as intriguing as we did. I wasn't going to just let them gather this information up alone either. In order to blend in, I needed to look like the scouts.

"General. Get me the fabrics similar to the scouts. I will be leading the operation and I want to get as close as possible without getting spotted." The General grabbed my arm roughly, spinning me around to face him. His face was knit together in concern as he silently stared at me. For a brief moment, I felt like he was going to start lecturing me like a child. But with a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes and let my arm go. He looked utterly defeated as his hands clenched into tight fists.

"I am totally against the idea of you tagging along with to mere scouts, but you are a Knight and I know for a fact that you can handle yourself. Your Majesty I will do as you ask. Just be aware that your father will not be pleased about his." He was disgruntled as his gray eyes opened. They were narrowed in displeasure. Another sacrifice he was willing to make for me. I really wasn't sure what I would do without the General right now. Any other sane man would have dragged my happy ass back to my father at the sign of the first letter. But he was seriously holding out for me. It was uncharacteristic of him.

"I appreciate your concern and leniency General. I know this must be difficult for you. You shall be rewarded upon our arrival back to the castle. So, let's not tell father about my little endeavor." I said with a wink and a smile. He laughed nervously in response. His hand coming up behind his neck as he wrung it anxiously.

"Your Majesty, if I may be so blunt," He cast his eyes on me as he continued to wring his neck. I waved for him to continue. "You will be the utter death of me. I swear it." I clutched at my chest as I laughed at his brazen honesty. It was probably true though. The responsibility that rests on his shoulders was tremendous. Any act of disobedience in my father's eyes was highly unapproved of. But I planned to stand by his side when the ax came down, because after all, he really was just following my orders.

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