
Chapter 80: Talk

~Third POV~





A battlefield of blood and gore was happening all around the fight at the entrance of the center as the soldiers of the Patri clan and elite soldiers of the demon Queen forces are being cut apart effortlessly by the Witch of Greed and Surgeon of Death.

Use of powers were fresh in the air as Law used his [ROOM] and then followed by {Shambles] dismembering the demons and human forces with no issue.

Law even using his sword to within his range of his sphere used his sword telekinesis to simply slash them apart with no problem even cornered he simply teleported to a safe destination or swap places with the enemy.

Echidna using her magic and her newly power gift [Infinity] on her magic she was having a literal blast using Fire magic to launch ice attacks and wind magic to cut them apart then normal use of fire magic to burn the flesh of the enemies into ash.

Beatrice provided support by using her magic to de-buff the enemy senses and everything they have as well as provide attacking support finishing off the enemy with no mercy.

The man with glasses was whimpering around the corpses of his allies and demons as he witnessed true monsters killing them all off.

The man is named Andrew as he held himself together observing the situation as his men is getting killed off, "Damn it! I thought this was a bit much for those cattle children but those humans – no those three are monsters! Worse and more powerful than the demons!"

In that moment Andrew heard a mocking voice as he turns around to see who spoke, "Wow and it took a whole small army of you guys to figure that out dumbass."

Turning around he sees Law next to him as he smiles innocently at him quickly draws his pistol at the monster in front of him as he noticed something wrong…


That was when Andrew noticed that his arms fell to the ground as Law takes the phone from his body using his [ROOM] in an interested tone, "Hmm? So, this is a phone that Satsuki and Ryuku keeps on yammering about? I wonder if this will be useful later?"

Keeping the phone in his pocket Andrew tried to run away but that was when Law cut off his legs with his [Shambles] while Echidna slowly came closer to him as the forces that was meant to take down the cattle children were suddenly defeated too little with no effort.

Andrew the only one alive to witness that no bodies where left around were completely gone but was now filled with panic…

And it only increased as Echidna spoke coldly at him taking the full blast of Echidna Witch Miasma that would make any sane person insane only directing at him.

Echidna then gets closer to Andrew as she grabbed his head as she coldly glares at him while scaring him in a distorted voice that made Law step back, "Now, now Sir Andrew… we must talk about this world's laws and the power houses of this world… YoU WilL SPeaK WoRm ABouT ThIs DEMON SysteM…"

Andrew was shaking too much to respond as Echidna calms down again, but the scary expression was still shown as she thinks about her time enjoying Emma and Ray time.

Even short she admired and missed how she used to teach others at least it would make her greed had any meaning…

Now learning such promising kids wanting to learn are in danger and bonded with them a bit she couldn't help but get angry at the man in front of her.

Like the time when one of devils came after her and Rosswaal taking the hit for her as well as her clones keeping her safe.

For the first time she took things for granted and misused them for her own gain but now retaining her emotions anger and joy were new things for her.

Law seeing this could only grin sadistically at the scene as he prepares his sword as he spoke, "Now then soldier you have two options here one is giving us all we ask or two we forcibly take what we want? Now what is your choice little man?"

Andrew could only coward in front of those monsters….

Meanwhile with Tatsumi group as they are going back home again as Tatsumi was near Ruby with the kids looking at the ground below.

Ruby was next to Tatsumi as she began to talk to him with her life, "…and then when I showed off my [Rosey Thorns] to Yang and Tai they were so surprised I swear that dad was mouth was wide open like that in anime."

Tatsumi laughed it off with Ruby as he also talked to her with a happy grin on his face, "Haha… Now that I great to see Ruby and I see that you have improved well with your semblance."

Ruby snickers at this as she responded in a happy tone, "Yeah when you mentioned that I could control molecules the very first day we met I didn't know what to think at the time but since then I have trained my semblance."

Tatsumi remanences to the very first mission with the group as he responds joyfully of their first encounter, "Yeah… I knew what your semblance was, but it was great meeting you and the rest of the chat group members. So, how far have you gone along on your way to using your semblance anyway?"

Ruby ponders at this as she responds in a kindhearted response, "Hmm… so far, I have been able to disassemble and reassemble my body for more control of my molecules any idea how to use it more effective?"

Grinning at this Tatsumi began to explain to Ruby some ideas of how to use her semblance in a calm tone, "Yeah a few I know of how about changing the environment to your advantage like changing the molecules of the ground into spikes or change the air around you to your advantage to fly or attack. There are plenty of way to heal yourself too."

Ruby tilts her head innocently as she is confused how she does it while Tatsumi began to explain how to use it, "With your semblance like say if you have a broken arm or leg you can just disassemble and reassemble your broken part as good as new again that's what I mean about healing Ruby. You have a lot of potential of your semblance that you can basically one shot anyone if you practice how to use molecule manipulation or better yet learn to vibrate."

Ruby smiles happily at the idea of new methods how to use her semblance but frowns as she asked Tatsumi in a sad tone, "Say Tatsumi are you sure that you don't know much about my mom? Even if it's a little any info would be nice…"

Tatsumi thinks a bit before he finally answers her question with some uncertainty in his voice as he spoke, "Hmm… Afraid I can't help much what I already told you, but I would go after the previous member of her old teammates?"

Listening to this Ruby sigh at this as she responds back disapprovingly, "Sighs… But Uncle Qrow and Dad won't say much about mom and kept me out of the loop they will never open up to me about mom…"

Shaking his head at this Tatsumi clarifies his answer to Ruby much to her surprise, "No I wasn't talking about them the only person who would know best would be Raven. She isn't the only one who hides the truth, but she is hard to find."

Shocked filled her eyes as she asked Tatsumi in a conflicted tone, "What! Raven! I mean she would probably know what happened to mom or at least something about her but I mean she abandon Yang and Tai…"

Tatsumi replied with his own voice to her as he shrugs to her as he spoke, "Sorry but other than Ozpin or Glynda she comes to mind when she will speak. Best to find her around Yang as she seems to have been watching from afar to catch her."

Listening to this Ruby thinks for a bit before she finally responds to Tatsumi in a grateful tone to him, "I guess… maybe I can ask her a few questions of my own… Thanks again Tatsumi looks like I have some stuff to do before I go to Beacon."

Tatsumi smiles at this as he nodded with that the two began to deal with their own issues as they return back to the group soon awaiting them…

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