
Chapter 25: Wrath and Sloth

~Tatsumi POV~

Looking above the sky I managed to find the location thanks to Betty, seeing the Witch Cultist group of Sloth and surprisingly only Wrath far behind the Geuse.

But seeing the tree…

It's so god damn huge!

A vast thoroughfare nearby to where Flugel's Tree stood, and the tree was gargantuan enough that it could be seen for miles like seriously what fertilizer did they use and where can I get some!

I guess if my knowledge here is right, I remember that Sirius is a stalker to him and is always around at a faraway distance.

Viewing them from a distance high above the sky of Lifaus Highway Beatrice stood next to waiting for the next plan, "Tatsumi what exactly do you want to do with the Cultist in the area I suppose?"


From high above I don't think they can see us from here but dealing with the Sin Archbishops shouldn't be that much of an issue.

However, Sirius is going to be a big pain to deal with especially her Authority is going to be a pain up close and personal unless I attack from a distance.

The [Authority of Wrath: Wrath] in a sphere of influence, Sirius can share or transmit her emotions and senses to others after polarizing emotions such as anger or sorrow, she can transmit it to any people in their vicinity, either taking control of them or resonating a certain emotion between a certain amount of people to raise it to the point of madness.

Also, since she can share senses such as distress or pain, if anyone dies within the affected area she can force others within the same area to die the same way but the weakness of this Authority seems to fade intensity the further the range and extension, and the effectiveness can vary drastically between people.

So as long as I'm away from her I should be fine but if I remember correctly the author stated that with the Wrath and Lust Authority, they can be the worst combo to ever be made in a good sense.

With those two combined the user of Lust simply needs to die while Wrath sends the emotions of death to their targets while Lust just heals herself, but the target is basically screwed.

Just thinking of that being possible…

That just screws over any overpowered people just by being weaker you can screw over overpowered people by making them experience death now that is a really worst combo to come to life.

Luckily that these Sin Archbishops aren't that intelligent to realize that idea.

It better to take Sirius [Authority of Wrath: Wrath] for me plus I can make sure if I ever damage with my Devil Fruit weakness they can experience double my pain…



I guess that Authority really does work for me here with my current biology go figure.

But returning myself at the scene before me I asked Beatrice to ready her spells, "Ok will attack from the sky where they can't harm us while dragging them all in a center keeping them trap while I go after the Sin Archbishop of Wrath nullifying her powers."

Beatrice nods at this but asks me a question as to how to drag them together, "Very well but how exactly can you drag them all to one place then in fact."

Smirking at this it was about time I test out my [Yami Yami no Mi] a bit more.

With that darkness started to summon out of the palm of my hand as a small black vortex was revealed swirling around as Beatrice took notice of this giving out her opinion, "Interesting… that small sphere is attracting in the mana in the air as well as forcibly crushing anything inside in the process in fact?"

Yup, I thought of this from a few anime shows I once saw from my first life.

I call this little technique [Dark Vortex] as Beatrice already says it will forcibly attract anything inside its range while being absorbed into the darkness being crushed by the gravity once they are consumed to the max.

Gently letting it go on the sky Beatrice readies her [El Minya] seeing about 40 crystalized mana covered by purple flames at the ready.

As soon as I see Geuse use his [Authority of Sloth: Unseen Hands] on my sphere as well as the others using their magic it was consumed from my [Dark Vortex].

Looks like the group are worried now but now that they made contact with it the [Dark Vortex] began to grow more as it started to bring inside the other Witch Cultist as Geuse tries to avoid being swallowed up himself.

Already equipping my armor, I used my [Dark Speed] to quickly get close to see the Archbishop of Wrath Sirius up close and personal but she stinks!

Sirius is covered head-to-toe in white bandages, with only her mouth and left eye left unobscured and breaches in her bandages allow part of her full head of long silver hair to seep out with a red teardrop is constantly affixed directly below her left eye.

Long steel golden chains are wrapped around her arms which trail along the ground as she moves, and these chains have hooks on their edges which allow Sirius to wield them lethally in close combat.

Except for her bandages, the only other thing Sirius wears is a long purple cloak. The inside of the cloak is the sky blue with several vertical red decorative lines although not visible, she carries the Gospel of the Witch Cult around in her cloak.

Then turning my hand into the darkness, I managed to grab her with both my hands already draining her mana searching for her [Witch Factor] to absorb her Authority.

Sirius looking at me with clear rage and ramblings of hers I ignore her as I continue to drain her mana dry, "YOU! How dare you touch me you filthy Knight I'm only for my Lover to touch me not anyone else you damn dickless bastard I will burn you alive you hear me I will BURN EVERYTHING YOU HOLD DEAR!!! [AUTHORITY OF WRATH: WRATH]!!!"

Seeing that she tried to use her Authority it looks like that she can't use it so long as I have her on hold with my dark hand and seeing that her magic of fire is being negated I have not much to fear but to be on the safe side.

Glancing at her I respond to her with disgust in my voice with a glare, "You are a disgusting person… I don't know how someone like you can have this power, but I don't care since I will kill every single one of you Sin Archbishops for the sins you have done. You have used this power to harm others while the original Witch of Wrath Minerva was caring than you are a disgusting creature."

That seems to piss her off now.

As she was now actively trying to gouge my eyes through my armor as it was pointless to get past Incursio defenses as she was yelling at me in clear rage, "YOU BASTARD WHAT YOU SAY IS HEARSAY ONLY THE GREAT WITCH SATELLA IS WORTHY NOT THE REST YOU DISGUSTING CREATURE?!!"

However, that was when the Sin Archbishop of Wrath noticed that I took her Authority of the Wrath her [Witch Factor] as she notices too late as I tried out my new power.


With a snap of my fingers, I see myself in a sphere as I smile at this while Sirius looks at me with actual fear in her eyes funny.

I thought these people didn't have this emotion, but I guess even they fear for their lives but using my [Authority of Wrath: Wrath] I amplified her emotion of fear to the extreme with her shaking herself like crazy.

That was when she used her chains to god damn hang herself released of the fear she had.

Damn, I didn't expect it to be this powerful.

Just a little increasing the emotion of fear into her just baffles me but then again if someone like me can steal their powers they would be more fearful of me.

An enemy that can steal their abilities is an enemy to be feared.

With that looking over to the horizon I see that the Sloth group is being torn apart as my [Dark Vortex] tears them down.

Taking this moment, I quickly went over to Geuse as he was using his [Authority of Sloth: Unseen Hand] trying to defeat my [Dark Vortex].

Petelgeuse a thin man his cheeks were gaunt and the skin on his bones was unusually thin. If it weren't for the twinkle of madness in his grey eyes, the Archbishop would appear completely devoid of vitality.

His complexion and lips, mirroring the rest of his figure, were deathly pale and had a sickly green-tint to them and Sloth's deep-green hair was fairly short but still long enough to catch someone's eye.

Despite his madness and general lack of social decorum, Petelgeuse's hair was stylized neatly into a bowl cut his eyes are black and his breath and body both smelled repugnant.

He did have a strange and twisted sense of fashion as he could be seen sporting a pair of crimson-red teardrop-shaped earrings, similar to Regulus, with a small exception of Petelgeuse's being a tiny bit smaller.

Out of the Sin Archbishops, Petelgeuse's outfit was the most similar to the standard dark-purple Witch Cult robe the cloak had a hood attached to it in the traditional Witch Cult style although Sloth was never seen wearing it and lastly, a purple zucchetto with a grey ring around its edge rested atop his head.

As I was close to him, I caught off by surprise as I hold him completely nullifying his powers seeing that his Authority is being nullified as I held him by the throat as I say to him activating my Semblance not letting him speak.

I just hope that I can change him because he will become a valuable ally to have.

As I was draining him of his magic Geuse makes his moment to speak to me with a weird smile on his face but rage soon after the change, "Aww my brain trembles!! Who are you knight and what is this power is this your Authority! Are you perhaps the new Sin Archbishops of Pride are you here to challenge me?!!"

Glaring at the mad man I responded with a few words as I get him enraged as I nullify his Authority and Earth magic, "No… I'm the Witch Hunter I follow my own path with the wisdom of the Witch of Greed Echidna and seeking the Witch of Sloth power Sekhmet doesn't suit you very well I will have your Authority!"

That did it.

His reaction was instantaneous as his eyes and mouth began to foam out tears of blood from them as he rages his words for me, "HEARSAY!! NONE OTHER THAN MY LOVE SATELLA IS THE ONLY TRUE WITCH THOSE THAT YOU FOLLOW ARE FLAWS COMPARED TO THE REAL TRUE…"

Getting annoyed by this guy I just punched him on the face shutting him up as I say to him in a cold voice, "Shut it! I don't care of what you think if Fortuna and Emilia were to see you right now, they would be disgusted by your change especially Fortuna how – "

Surprisingly enough I almost lost my grip as Geuse managed to catch me by surprise seeing anger in his eyes saying to me, "Shut it! You know nothing you heretic about my love or what I went through!"

I see…

Guess what I'm seeing now is the Guese from the past if he has this must courage through his madness…

Smiling at this I used my [Final Command] on him as I finally absorbed his [Witch Factor] into me as I see he starts to spam from my order, "By my command Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti, I demand you return yourself from your madness reverting back to the man that help defend Emilia and Fortuna against Sin Archbishops Pandora and Regulus as well as help me defeat the Sin Archbishops!"

Soon enough my body with my [Aura] flashed towards him as he was now knocked out unconscious as I left him inside my [Dark Space] for safety reasons.

Seeing this I return to Beatrice side as I see she had made plenty of her [El Minya's] in the air more than 320 of those crystals in the air as I held her hand again while she drains my mana.

I guess it costed more out of her than necessary and her centuries worth of mana she has.

As I was close to her Beatrice asks me in a tired voice, "So then Tatsumi I have about 320 [Minya] in the air and the Witch Cultist are stuck where they are at so how are you going to kill them all in one fell swoop I suppose."

Smiling at this my darkness starts to erupt from me and coating the [Minya] to lose their mass all the way to zero as I grabbed Beatrice farther away from the death traps now.

Next thing left to do was that I ordered Betty with a smile since were now away from the [Minya] spells now, "Beatrice be prepared to fire those [Minya] spells when I snap my fingers I can guarantee you its going to be… powerful."

Beatrice nods her head as she releases her [Minya's] that was soon followed by sound barrier being broken.

Holding my ears with the same with Beatrice we both witnessed that the light speed attack left a huge crater in its wake with large smoke clouds forming.



I also made sure that my [Dark Vortex] absorbs Geuse fingers since they have a piece of his [Witch Factor] to be sure that they die.

For the next few minutes after everything settled, I managed to recover some of Geuse [Witch Factor]

Viewing the destruction all that were left of the land was a huge crater marks indicating something to have destroyed them.

Glancing at the damage done I and Beatrice went back to meet up with Elsa to check if Geuse returned to normal.

Next chapter