
Chapter 16: Unexpected Development?

~Tatsumi POV~

Alright so far everything has been according to plan as Reinhard, Rom, and Felt soon came to the scene as Reinhard asks me with clear confusion in his voice, "Tatsumi! I see that you and Emilia are alright it seems that the attacker has left."

Emilia was next to speak up to Reinhard as she replies to him, "Reinhard! I didn't think that you would come over but the attacker the Bowel Hunter has vanished thanks to Tatsumi… he risked a lot to get my insignia back from the attacker…"

Reinhard looked surprised at the sudden news but didn't pay it no mind as he looks at me with clear surprise in his eyes as I reply to him sheepishly, "He he he… well I did say I was going to help her out although I didn't expect it to be this bad of the outcome it all worked well right?"

Reinhard just nods his head as Rom looks at his damaged home as I could only be to blame for his home…

Well, it's not like I'm going to need all of these coins anyways plus I do kind of owe them for my trouble, but I'll keep the half of them never know when they can come in handy.

Next, I walked to Rom as I grab the bag of Elsa she had to pay as I gave him 10 Holy Coins that made him and Felt surprised, "Here take these 10 Holy Coins when Elsa the Bowel Hunter flee I managed to not only get the insignia but her 20 Holy Coins she had as well for the deal I apologize if I can't give you all since I myself require them as well considering I'm a foreigner of this land with no money."

Everyone seems to be surprised at my claims that Emilia looked surprised as she asks me in clear curiosity, "Sir Tatsumi, I didn't realize that you weren't from here of the Kingdom of Lugnica that would explain the strange armor?"

Felt next provided with Emilia with more evidence of my claims as she explains to me with sparking lights in her eyes, "Yeah mister Knight when I saw you use your sword changed into smoke I saw an armor wrapped around you and then you went really fast!"

Reinhard looks at me with curiosity in his eyes as he asks me a question with amusement in his voice, "Oh? Tatsumi I didn't realize you were a Knight and you say you aren't from around here in that case can I ask what your purpose is here in the Kingdom of Lugnica is?"


I was hoping to avoid this question but then again, I guess I don't have a choice being dishonest won't help me in the long run of things better just keep what I say to a minimum.

Sighing at this I could only explain to the best of my ability what I say, "Sigh… honestly you want to know the truth I can't exactly say at the best of the moment with ears everywhere but the purpose of my visit how should I say very insane and very dangerous to say at this time but forced to nonetheless."

Everyone just looked confused at what I meant but it looks like they didn't divulge further now it's time to drag the attention away from me to Felt.

Sorry little buddy but I'm going to throw you under the bus here.

But before they could as I soon say something to Felt that catches Reinhard's attention, "Say Felt when you hold the insignia did the jewel in the middle started to glow?"

Felt looking at me oddly only replies to me while leaving Reinhard speechless at what he heard at this moment, "Shining? Of course, it was shining when I held it does it matter?"

As she says those words Reinhard gets close to her as I begin to explain to her what it means to her since it no longer matters if people find out about it now, "Well it looks like the Kingdom of Lugnica has another candidate for the throne of the Kingdom?"

Everyone was caught off surprised by this as I asked Emilia nicely, "Hey Emilia I know this kid has brought you trouble but could you let her hold your insignia to show it glows it's something that could change the Kingdom if another candidate appears yes?"

Emilia catches on to what I meant but follows my orders for now as Felt now holds the insignia as it indeed glowing as Felt returns it to Emilia.

Now Felt quickly caught on to the words of what I meant as Reinhard tries to knock her out but I interrupted him as I tell Felt, "Felt you said before that you have a goal that you will see no matter what right? Would becoming the next ruler would be helpful to your goal in the future?"

Felt looks troubled as she looks at me as she says to me with some doubt in her voice, "Really… me becoming the next candidate for the throne…"

Reinhard could only sigh as he begins to say what happened in the anime as Felt answered his questions like in the anime as towards the end she was hesitant till Rom goes over to them as he says too Felt with a smile, "Felt I know that you want to stay with me but don't you remember your own goals that you wanted to make a come true follow what you want to do."

Seeing the scene before me I look over to Emilia as I ask her what she wants to do, "Say Emilia you seem silent throughout this whole ordeal what do you plan to do?"

Emilia looking in my direction surprised at the scene she asks me with clear surprise, "Huh? Oh! Sorry, I was just looking into how something like an odd thing from my insignia could being stolen than being attacked then finding out another candidate appeared as strange is all sir, Tatsumi."

Smirking at that I then ask her what she plans to do, "Well what exactly can you do then miss Emilia?"

Emilia then turns my attention to me as she asks me politely, "Very well for starters how about I reward you not only have you helped me retrieve my insignia but also helped me against Elsa… I will try to return anything that is within my power."

Looking at her with a smile on my face I began to explain to her, "Actually as I reminded everyone here that I'm a foreigner here I have basically had almost no knowledge of this Kingdom say for a few important info but otherwise illiterate here ha ha ha ha…"

Emilia was looking at me in shock as she says to me, "Eh?! Then how could you have gotten here much less know this country!"

Well, it's not like I have a cheat skill to know all this much but it's best to learn as much as I can since I can hardly know the language here in this world.

With that in my mind, I then say to Emilia to her my request with a shameless smile on my face as I bow to her, "Actually I was wondering if you can teach me how to read and write in your language here as well as learn the magic of your Kingdom since where I'm from the existence of magic is almost nonexistent."

Emilia now looks about to drop over about the sudden info I gave her as she holds my hand as if I was a mental patient, "How! If that is your request, then I will do everything in my power to help you out. Wait you said that you are a foreigner then you don't have a place to stay how about I invite you over to our place!"

Smiling at her really happy for the offer as I say to her, "Very well Emilia how could I not accept the offer of a beautiful girl like you anyway."

Seeing Emilia blush at that she tries to redirect my earlier words but I cut her off by saying to her with a smile, "Emilia I think your silver hair looks nice as you it will be cool if we are friends and I don't care about your race in the slightest I think elf are pretty cool."

Emilia stood there in shock at my words at her not used to my kindness she was left wordless of my answer.

Soon enough I see the conversation ended with Reinhard and Felt as it looks like everything has been settled so far.

Next, I see Reinhard comes to me to invite me to his home, but I already explained my answer to him as I was planning to head to Emilia's housing to which he understood.

Thinking about this I'm kind of jealous of the guy honestly his Divine Protection is like a cheat for any situation for a powerup.

With the opponents, I'm facing having the ability to nullify someone's power completely off would be nice honestly shame my [Yami Yami no Mi] can't do that, or is it I never tried well I guess I won't know I suppose.

After that, he gave me a handshake towards me as he says to me, "Very well then Tatsumi I hope you can do well in the future I wish you luck."

Returning the handshake at him I returned the favor but that was when I noticed that a dark shade of mist appeared in my hand shaking his?

Strange I didn't call my Devil Fruit power here what the hell?

However, I felt like I got something from him that I absorbed but it was only for a few seconds that Reinhard lets go of my hand as we say our goodbyes.

Although I did see him check his hand, I also felt that I nullified a power odd last I checked I didn't do anything like that before.

But that shouldn't be possible, right?

To begin with, Reinhard isn't a Devil Fruit user this is a certain odd occurrence I can dismiss but how would it have happened then?

I will have to think about what happened about this later that was certainly not normal…

After that Emilia managed to calm down again as we both took a wagon ride while an Earth Dragon was taking us to the Rosswaal Mansion.

We both discussed the facts of the Kingdom of Lugnica then eventually Emilia fell asleep while I was looking at the night moon sky.

Thinking about everything that has happened so far, I have to be very careful from this point onward.

At least everything has been according to the manga and anime so I cleared the Arc 1 part now the real question is how I handle Arc 2 and Rem since I'm not sure as to how my own Authority would react to her or for that matter if I even have the [Witch Stench] on me.

While I'm not as defenseless with my abilities I won't hesitate to defend myself to the best of my ability.


Looking at my body I can still see the dark lines around me when I last used my Devil Fruit [Yami Yami no Mi] has what I felt changed from the last time I normally used it?

While I admit that using my Incursion ability of evolution adaptation might be a key role in this event, I don't think it's the cause of it changing or at least partially anyway.

But it feels like I have been devouring something in the air may be the mana of this world possibly?

But if that was the case then why did it felt that I absorbed something from Reinhard even if it was for a few seconds…

Also, why did I felt that I nullified something, to begin with?

There is too much I don't know that is going on today especially with my [Yami Yami no Mi] ability changing on me out of the blue like that is it possible it's changing into something more suitable for me with Incursio?


Does it have to do with the rules of this world or is possible that it changing into something else entirely like my desire?

Let's see time to think about how an Authority is formed.

The powers of each Authority are shaped into existence based on a compatible holder's desire; however, the hosts have no control over what kind of ability is born out of their 'sin'.

If a [Witch Factor] is forcibly inserted into someone incompatible with it, it will greatly alter their personality as seen with Satella and Petelgeuse for example, but they can latch on to people if they defeat them the case of Subaru.

Even if I did have a witch factor like my Authority of Greed it shouldn't cause that much of a change in me but then again it was given to me since each wielder of the Authorities is different than the next.

But it would be different about [Divine Protections] are blessings given to people at birth by the world, bestowed by the Od Laguna…

As I suddenly got a realization, I soon had an idea and another aspect of my Devil Fruit I haven't considered before…

If my [Yami Yami no Mi] has the ability to nullify Devil Fruit abilities which consist of Logia, Zoan, and Paramecia…

Holding my hand to my chin I had an idea about my Devil Fruit not only has the ability to nullify not just Devil Fruit powers but all kinds of powers?

It certainly is in the realm of possibility since it does have that kind of power.

I mean the Paramecia class is basically a jack of all trades with every kind of ability like time, souls, earthquakes, and space if I reach that amount of level of power or reaction time…

Since even Blackbeard managed to harm devil fruit users so long as he was in physical contact with Luffy he can nullify his powers the same with Whitebeard [Gura Gura no Mi] and the same can be said about Logia as well.

Does that mean I can nullify any power so long as I touch them?

Was that the reason why I felt Reinhard touched my hand I was nullifying and draining him of his abilities but the only abilities he has are his…


If I remember correctly Od Laguna can give [Divine Protections] then though [Divine Protections] remain with the individual from birth to death, it is possible to temporarily strip one of their Protection by using a magic circle that isolates the area from the Od Laguna.

But that shouldn't be possible in my case!

[Witch Factors] are incompatible with those who have [Divine Protections], and Authorities are superior versions of [Divine Protections] by that knowledge I shouldn't be able to receive a [Divine Protections] if I already have my Authority with me unless…


Slamming my hand to my head I forgot one important fact to consider from all of this discovery of my ability.

I'm really an idiot at times if I can't even remember the smallest details of myself.

I'm not a normal human anymore.

I'm a [Darkness Human].

Following my logic, my body itself is an endless abyss that is separate from the real world since darkness is truly is infinite since I haven't found a limit to my [Dark Space].

I experiment with my training to see how much I could store it really when I tried to devour it using [Black Hole] on a forest nowhere near my home…

When I was done, I felt like I wasn't really full of my space at all…

By going with that logic and from paste experience my [Dark Space] should be possible for me to have a [Divine Protections] with my [Authority of Greed: Lion's Heart] in my body since they are being held inside to which is Darkness abyss itself is holding them together.

Then that means I can also absorb the [Witch Factors] of the other Sin Archbishops correct?

The [Yami Yami no Mi] truly lives up to being the most heinous power but first I need to test it out to see if it can work just like I predicted first?


It looks like I'm learning more about myself than I realized before.

But then again what would be my magic be from my [Gate] I guess the only way to find out is to wait better get some sleep then for my next trial of going through Arc 2 begins.

Next chapter