
War 2: Requisition Warehouse

Will sighed, the people in front of him were commoners, who could not read or write. These people were grunts. The bad thing about most grunts is their lack of thought. The good thing about grunts is they follow directions well. Moreover, Will knew most grunts to be kind simpletons.

Will analyze the situation, his biggest problem was a lack of talent.

"Major, do I have the power to promote soldiers in rank," Will asked.

"Only captains and above may do in course of a battle on the field. Why do you ask?" the Major asked curiously.

"Major, I'd like to promote one of my Sergeants to First Sergeant," Will asked.

"I'll allow it. When you figure out who let me know and I'll promote them," the Major said.

"Major, do I have permission to modify this warehouse?" Will asked.

"This warehouse is now under your command. As long as the job gets done, I don't care what you do with it!" the Major said.

"Thank you, sir!" Will said.

"Any more questions second lieutenant?" The Major asked.

"None, sir," Will said.

"Very well, I leave you to your command," the Major said walking away.

Will turned to look at his platoon. The unorganized warehouse.

"Staff Sergeants step forward!" Will ordered.

Four men took one step forward.

"Can either of you read or write?" Will asked.

No one raised their hand or said anything.

"Can anyone read or write?" Will asked.

Yet again, no one raised their hands. Will was disappointed but knew most commoners did not learn to read or write. He figured he might as well introduce himself and learn their task before he informed them of his plans.

"Thank you for introducing yourselves. I am your new commanding officer, Baronet William vont Ballard. You may call me Second Lieutenant vont Ballard. Now some tell me what you all do here?" Will asked.

"We stack boxes, sir?" Said a Sergeant as everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

Will felt the onset of a headache.

"Who decides what boxes to order? Would monitors when an inventory item is low and needs reordering?" Will asked.

The same staff sergeant spoke, "second lieutenant vont Ballard, we send Major vont Valdez a list of items every week. Then mails you a letter in Guidon and you send us what we need. Sometimes, We've-gone for weeks without items," he said.

Now, Will had a headache.

"When officers ran out of soap and eggs, General Brash was furious, that's when he out in your transfer order," another sergeant said.

"Good to know," Will said rubbing his temples.

"Glad we could help, sir" the first, staff sergeant smiled.

"Does anyone have construction experience?" Will said.

A few men raised their hands.

"Great, your first job is to build me second floor, with large windows along the back wall. Requisition the materials immediately, but I want it done well. The rest of you throw away spoiled goods, the rest of you stack the similar boxes together. Any questions before I leave?" Will asked.

"No, sir!" they said.

"Dismissed," Will said.

Will left the platoon and warehouse and found his way to the Personnel Office. The Personnel Office was on the first floor of the Command Center.

"Hello, I'm Second Lieutenant vont Baronet. I need a clerk and a sergeant who can read and write," Will declared.

"Hello Baronet, I'm Layla happy to help. General Brash instructed us to help you. I'm happy to fill your needs, day or night?" she said seductively. Layla looked to be the same age as Vanessa, a young woman in her 20s.

"Thank you, but right now I just need those two people," Will said.

"Fine," Layla pouted. In his past life, his wealth had brought him all kinds of women. But, he was caught off guard by the sudden unexpectedness.

"I'll put out your sergeant regular on our bulletin. If someone's looking to switch positions, they'll come here. We'll screen them and send them over to you. If you like the person, bring them here to fill out the transfer paperwork.

As far as the clerk, there's a boy named Miles, who works here. He's been looking for a promotion, I'll send him over.

If you're happy maybe we can have dinner toting the Officer's Restaurant? I've had lots of guys ask there, but I turned them down. Ask, I'll do whatever you say," Layla said seductively.

"Thank you!" Will said turning to leave.

Then Will left to go to the Construction Office.

"Hello, I am Second Lieutenant vont Ballard. I need an office and three desks at the warehouse," Will said.

"Your men were just in here. We already sent our men to help. Your fortunate, we've in a bit of a lull right now," said a big burly man.

"Thank you!" Will said, before walking back to the warehouse.

"Welcome back, Second Lieutenant vont Ballard," a staff sergeant said with a salute.

"Good the construction is underway, but it's going to slow," Will said casting [rock golem].

Rocky roared into life and began moving large tree trunk support beams in place. As they were working, Will cast [Rock Wall] around the warehouse side. The shabby warehouse now had a polished looked. Then Will cast [Modeling] and turned the warehouse floor into stone.

The hardest part was farming the floor and putting in the support beams. With Rocky helping the platoon and construction workers finished the second floor before evening. They even had time to put up a proper sign, that read 'Requisition Warehouse.' However, the platoon still referred to themselves as the Phoenix, to Will's utter annoyance.

During the construction, the clerk Miles, and sergeant Bubba were interviewed. Mills was a commoner born to a maid. The maid learned to read from her lady. Miles' mother passed that information to him. When the army forced commoners to join, Mile's abilities were recognized and he was given the role of Junior Clerk a year ago. He looked for opportunities, and Will's offer was the first. When he learned, the celebrity William vont Ballard needed a clerk, Miles swore to dedicate himself to whatever task.

Bubba was an old army veteran. He fought in the last war and had already fought in a few battles this time around. He was tired of war and thought a doubt deserting until he saw Will's announcement. This was just the chance he wanted, he could sit out the war, but still do his part.

To Will's satisfaction, both were more than adequate for the duties he had in mind. Major vont Valdez approved both hires and promoted Bubba to First Sergeant, to his surprise. Will's reputation proceeded him, he was considered a man of great providence. Not only was William vont Ballard wealthy, but he was also kind and giving. Everyone heard stories about how fairly he treated commoners. The idea of noble carting so deeply about commoner children touched their hearts.

Every commoner knew Will would not mistreat them. Most noble officers treated their commoner subordinates as trash. Even worse some nobles didn't care if their soldiers lived or died. Commoner soldiers secretly kept a list of the nice, bad, and psychopaths. Will was on the good list.

Before he dismissed the soldiers, Will introduced Miles and Bubba to the platoon. Will designed a 4-day night guard schedule. Each squad was required to guard the warehouse one evening.

Will left the warehouse and walked to the Officer's Barrack. The word Barrak was misleading. A better word would be an inn. Will opened the door to see officers, eating, drinking, smoking, playing games, and fondling women.

"Welcome Second Lieutenant Ballard!" Said, General Brash

"Thank you, general," Will saluted.

"You've been busy. Ha-ha, that's what I like to see in a soldier. A soldier who gets right to work!" the general said.

"Thank you, sir!" Will saluted.

"You can get your room key from Lloyd. Your things have already been put in your room. After you settle in, come downstairs to eat, the food...and women are free," the general laughed and so did the rest of the lounge.

Will grabbed his key, from the innkeeper and went to his room to rest. The first thing he did was contact Nisha.

"Nisha, can you hear me, are you nearby?" Will called out telepathically.

"Hello Will, how was your day? Did you find the soldiers were to your standards?" Nisha said.

"No, I had to recruit two men. My day was busy, there is a lot I need to do. How was your day?" Will asked.

"I've grown much stronger as Archimedes disciple. He's taught me several spells such as [stun] and [intimidate]. My stealth, swift, and night vision skills have all improved. What I enjoy most is hunting," Nisha said.

"I'm glad you've grown stronger and are having fun. I can't wait to see you again," Will said.

"Take care, Will," Nisha said.

After speaking with Nisha, Will changed out his officer uniform and headed downstairs to the lounge.

"Will!" Jason called out.

Will headed over to Jason's table. He was playing cards with the other captains from today. Will sat down at the table and watched them play.

"So, this the Lord of Games! Teach us a new game your lordship," the drunk belligerent captain said.

"Knock it off, he's my brother!" Jason said threateningly.

"C'mon, let's have him gamble. Maybe he'll share all that gold!" the drunkards said standing up.

"I think it's time you left!" Jason said also standing up ready to brawl.

"Get him out of here! We don't need people bothering our new arrivals" command Major Valdez.

After, the drunkard was removed from the lounge the festive mood returned.

"How was your first day?" Jason asked, watching the cards.

"It was fine, how was your day? Will asked.

"It's fine, my company moves out tomorrow. The four of us, including that drunk asshole, fought on the front lines for three weeks, before we rotated out for a weeks' rest. Three weeks on the front lines, one week off, that's the schedule. It keeps our men fresh," Jason said.

"How far a ride to the front lines?" Will asked.

"It's a four-day ride to the front line," Jason said.

"How's the moral?" Will asked.

"It's better in here, than out there," Jason pointed in the direction of where the commoners bunked.

Will stood up and moved to a far table. As Will ate, drank, he watched Jason's game card finish. Jason stood up and walked over to Will's table.

"W…Will if anything happens to be on the battlefield Marcus and I agreed you should inherit the barony. I don't own much, but here's my testament. Please see the items get to where they belong," Jason said doing his best to smile and remain calm.

Seeing his brother's resolve, Will agreed. Jason and Will silently looked at each other. That silent stare conveyed their feelings and deep respect for one another. When Jason's eyes well up, he stopped staring at Will.

"Take care brother!" Will said softly.

"I try," Jason said and left.

That quiet farewell felt like a lifetime.

As he sat thinking, Major Valdez came and sat down.

"Sitting by yourself, already? " Major Valdez said.

"Just thinking about tomorrow?" Will said.

"Very well then. If you need anything, just ask. As you're commanding officer, I'm here you.

After eating, Will meditated for four two hours before he went to sleep.

In the morning, Will woke up early to do Tai Chi and practice his swordsmanship. When he finished training he wrote Elizabeth.

After Breakfast, Will went to the warehouse at 8th bell.

At 8th bell, Will's platoon greeted him with a salute.

"Bubba, from now on no gets any supplies unless they sign out and bring a written request with their commander's signature. Be sure to check everyone's badge against their signature. You sit at the desk by the door," Will said.

"Miles, I want you to catalog everything in this warehouse, the quantity, and it's location. If you have to open the crates or boxes to double check. I want to know everything in here exactly. Also, from now on all request for supplies that needed to be ordered should go to Miles," Will said.

The rest of you take a pen and pad. The rest of you will inventory every item on base, room by room. If you can't write, ask someone to write every item in that room on that piece of paper.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

MightyEaglecreators' thoughts
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