
Silver Phoenix General Store

Before Will left the cottage, he removed his black suit and wore his cadet uniform. He also decided to wear his travel robe as well. Will looked down at his cadet uniform the wolf emblem and medal of valor stood out to him. Of all his pins, the valor medal was the only one that dangled from his chest. The medal annoying gently taped against his chest as he walked. Will stepped outside the hidden cottage and walked under the canopy to visit the northern district.

As Will walked down the familiar promenade, the sun shone above his head, he decide to stop in and check over his businesses before visiting the Merchant Guild. Will decided that he would visit the general store first, after a quick stop at the courier. Since he purchased the store he'd not yet visited.

As Will crossed into the northern district, Will noticed the streets were crowded. Couples, families, and traders walked along the side streets. Wagons, carts rolled down the middle of the street. Peddlers at stalls yelled out their goods, trying to entice Will to have a look for himself. As he walked down the street, he saw the peddler stalls, give way to the merchant shops. Rows and rows of shops framed the street as he walked, chandleries, cobblers, tailors, butchers fishmongers, drapers, armorers, courier, and general stores squeezed next to each other.

This marked Will's first time visiting the courier. Last time, Elder Li agreed to mail his letters, as she had her own to mail. The courier was located near the middle of the northern district. Will noticed the courier station was across the street from his general store. When Will walked into the two-story courier station, he noticed a row of oak wood desks ran along the front of the store. There was nothing on the desk, they stood empty. In the middle of the first floor sat over a dozen desks with men busily working stamping, sorting, and writing. Each desk had a sign the correspond with a different region of Fermion.

Will's first destination, was a desk with a sign reading, 'Western Fringe.' Before he could speak, a rude clerk asked, "do you need paper and pencil?"

"No, I have a letter here," Will was confused by the man's rude behavior.

"Good, someone who isn't dull brained. Sign these papers, the cost is 32 coppers," the man handed Will the form, pen, and left his hand out.

Since Will rarely carried copper, he handed the man silver. The man's eyes lit up when he saw the silver and hurried to give Will change. The form asked the sender's location, and Will's return address and whom to send the missive. Will fill out his parents' name, Ballard Barony, and his name, and address. Then he returned the letter.

"Why didn't you say, you were a noble? Nobles pay less," the man said annoyed at Will's ignorance, and returned five copper coins. "This letter should arrive in two weeks, thank you for your service," and returned to prior stamping, sorting, and writing.

Will was unsure whether the process was completed, but decided to leave and visit the other desk to mail his letters. Each courier clerk was rude, not a single one treated Will anything other than an annoyance. Will realized he was used to people treating him differently after they knew his name. This coldness made Will think he briefly returned to the Tribal Lands. Moreover, different desks charged different service fees, he assumed this had to do with the distance each letter traveled. His letter to Jason cost the most coins. After returning and paying the fee for the last letter, Will left.

Will weaved his way, in between the wagons, carts, and crowd to enter the Silver Pheonix General Store. When he stepped foot in the store a bell attached to the top of the door rang. An old bald man with a salt and pepper beard greeted him, "Greetings cadet what can I do for you?"

"I'm here to look around," Will responded truthfully when he realized the clerk didn't recognize him.

The store was massive, there was something here for everyone. Five rows were filled with camping, cooking, swords, shields, armor, magical staffs, alchemy vials, enchanting equipment, saddle, spurs, skill books, and more. Will was stunned, he had to admit he was impressed by the diversity of the stock. Mr. Murphy had only shown Will three years of financial receipts provided by the sellers. Will's busy schedule, and the Merchant Guild's vow that everything was in good order, he purchased the store sight unseen.

"First time in here, we get that impression a lot. You okay son?" the bald old man asked, he seemed concerned. "On second thought you look familiar, have you been in here before?" But, the man could not focus on Will for long because the store was bustling with customers.

After being stunned by the merchandise, he noticed how busy the store was, and the number of the customers shopping. There was a line at the counter, where an old red hair wrinkled woman sat accepting coin. Will used his class skill [appraisal] and walked down the aisles looking at the merchandise. When he was finished, a light flashed in his eye, he bet appraise leveled. Before looking at his stats, they tallied the total value of the goods, which exceed well over a million gold. Afterward, he glanced over his stats and saw that his class skill [appraisal] increased.

Name: William vont Ballard

Race: Human

Rank: 0

Class: Merchant

Sub Class: Spellsword







Ranks Skills: Management (50), Diplomacy (35), Accounting (50)

Class Skills: Appraisal (10+5, 100), [Radar]

Abilities: Journeyman Swordsmanship (1, 50), Journeyman Terramancer (1, 50), Gaia's Blessing (multiplies your spell strength x2).

Will walked to the counter to speak with the old red-haired woman when their eyes met. Her eyes gave Will the once over, stopping at his medal of valor. She slowly moved from behind the counter and yelled, "Harry get over here!"

When the old bald man came over, the woman weakly curtsied her knees barely bending, "Boss Will it is an honor to finally meet you. I am Brenda, and this is my husband Harry…bow you old goat," that last bit was direct at Harry who exclaimed, "I knew you looked familiar—ouch," he yelled when Brenda slapped his forehead. Harry hurried to bow.

The couple's theatrics caused a commotion. One guest said, "oh look the that's the new young owner." Another shouted, "Oi, look it's the famous William vont Ballard. More and more, guests started to crowd around Brenda, Harry, and Will. Causing Brenda to grab a broom.

"All of you leave. Get gone, this place is now closed. We'll reopen in an hour. Michael go get Vanessa, ask her to come here!" Brenda threatens to customers out of the store. A young boy, around 8 years old wearing an apron shot out the back door at top speed.

As the last customer left, Brenda locked the front door. Then she escorted Will through the upstairs to their flat. Behind the service entrance, Will noticed organized piles of merchandise neatly placed. Alchemy, weapons, and armor cooking supplies, and camping, the value of the goods in the storage area was almost worth as much as the goods sold in the front of the store.

The stairs leading to Brenda and Harry's flat were circular. When he arrived on the second floor, he realize their apartment was as wide as the store. There were three bedrooms, a washroom, and a sitting room. While the flat was impressive, there were not many apartments this size in Guidon, the furniture was second-hand. Brend boiled a pot of tea, and Harry brought out the accounts.

"We wondered when you show up," said Harry with an uncomfortable chuckle. "Boss Will I apologize for not recognizing you, please do not take offense," Harry said drearily.

"No offense taken," Will said he eyes locked on the accounting book. The trio sat in uncomfortable silence until they were interrupted by Michael's feet thundering up the stairs, with Vanessa gliding behind him.

Vanessa was out of breath, "Boss Will, I hope your inspection is an order. I apologize for being out, I was attending to a matter at the theatre." She looked at Will and curtsied.

Will was too preoccupied with investigating the accounting books to respond. Which Vanessa misread as a negative. Purchased the general store five months ago. By his account, the store sold on average around 1,200 to 1,400 gold a week but purchased almost 800-gold weekly to restock, which result in a net profit of 500 a week. In this medieval period, that was the equivalent of a good mine.

"Brenda, Harry tell me, what is the least popular item we sell?" Will asked.

"Least popular, hmm, that would probably be the oak tree ash, people can buy it cheaper from the peddlers.

"Soap, most people make their own soap, and only come to the store to buy oak tree ash, when the peddlers run out, correct? How did you know?"

"I can tell from the accounts, that you only sell the ash in spurts, and most of the time it stays on the shelves. Here's what I want you to do, do not buy the ash anymore. Instead, I want you to buy flower petals, the sweeter smelling the better to make our own in-house soap" Will then gave them the challenge. Will had no idea how to make soap, but he wanted a new product to drive the wealthy into the store. "Vanesa spend some coin and get this done. Visit the blacksmith to get make an iron tray with rectangle holes. Poor the water the flower petals were boiled, into the soap mixture. I want a sample next week!" Will said standing up and putting down his tea.

"Brenda and Harry, you have done a wonderful job with the store. The books look in order. Keep up the good work." Will said before traveling downstairs and out the back door away from the crowd. Will had a policy to not befriend the staff, who knew when he would have to fire them.

"Boss Will were things not up to your standard?" Vanessa asked. Since her promotion, she never felt confident in her role. Even with her training and Mei's guidance, she felt unsure of her abilities.

"Yes, I was quite happy with the store. I was surprised that the accounts were in such good order, who does the bookkeeping?" Will wanted to know. He didn't think anyone in this area used the double bookkeeping method besides him.

"Sir, Anne brought over a young woman named Sarah to teach your bookkeeping method to all the clerks. I believe you go to school with her? Sarah, I think that's her name, said it was your preferred method, it's what you taught her as a Quartermaster clerk. After she said that all the clerks learned it, no one wanted to disappoint a man of your stature," she said anxiously to learn Will's thoughts.

"Oh, Sarah did that it, yes, I'm glad she taught everyone. It makes it easier to investigate the accounts," said Will as his stomach growled. The 12th bell chimed, and Will's next stop was the café for a quick lunch and review of the accounts.

I'm relieved that you were pleased," Vanessa seemed to let out a quiet sigh. Her confidence was restored.

Up a block and on the left was Will's cul-de-sac, where four giant burnt warehouses once stood. Now, the cul-de-sac was filled with happy customers playing games, gambling, and eating. As Will and Vanessa opened the café doors, they notice there was not an empty table.

"We're full, but you can try the casino's restaurant," Anne said looking down at her apron.

Vanessa was mortified. She had a strong desire to slap Anne on the cheeks and make her kneel and apologize. But then she saw Will's crooked smile, and relaxed.

"Hello Anne, I'm happy the café is doing so well. How is your family?" Will asked looking at Anne's face turn red, and her body freeze.

"Will?" Anne said, slowly lifting her face, and gliding her chestnut hair behind her ear.

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