Upon arriving at the door of the Director's Office, I took a deep breath before gently knocking on the door.
I was half-expecting to be turned away today because of last night but surprisingly, the door swung open almost immediately, revealing Hayashi-sensei dressed in her usual sharp office attire while topped with her white lab coat, her expression unreadable behind her spectacles.
"You're here. Come in." Hayashi-sensei's tone was quite stiff, evident from the lingering memories of our previous encounter.
Looking closely, little bags could be seen under her eyes. She must've lost some sleep because she couldn't forget the scene she witnessed last night.
"Is now a good time, sensei? Or... shall I hold off on my report for next time?"
I carefully worded my question as I looked up at her after stepping in and closing the door behind me.
"Now is fine, Onoda. I was expecting you."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: