"Your room hasn't changed at all." I playfully said as we climbed upstairs and into her bedroom.
Rumi's room was indeed as I remembered it. The walls were adorned with various bookshelves, filled to the brim with literature that ranged from classics to modern bestsellers. The faint scent of vanilla-scented air freshener filled the room. I couldn't help but associate it with her by now.
Although she had changed the bed sheets, the sight of her neatly made bed brought back memories of my first time staying here with her in this room...
"It's natural, Ruki. How can it change that much? I only changed the bedsheet... Your lingering scent from the last time had disappeared. About time to get a new one," Rumi matched my playfulness as she pulled on my collar, dragging me to her bed.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: