
Arrival at Tokyo

The scenery beyond the window of the train soon started to change. From afar, we could finally see Tokyo's boasted skyscrapers reaching up to the sky. Naturally, it's quite hard for us to recognize every landmark, and with how dense this part of the country is, we're probably only seeing not even 1% of it.

Furthermore, at this point of the trip, the interval between different stations became shorter.

If earlier it would take 10 to 20 minutes before we stopped at a station to unload and load passengers, the maximum time the train would move was 5 minutes.

Well, that's not a problem for us since we're still in the premium line. While waiting for the station where Kaoru-san would be waiting for us, I messaged the girls back home, sending them updates that we were already in Tokyo.

Honestly, Tokyo could never be compared to our city. Its area was so vast that it would feel like we were stepping into a giant labyrinth once we got off the train.


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