
A Chance Taken

With Chii’s enthusiasm shooting up to its maximum with my presence, we immediately worked on setting up their tent. The same with the previous groups, they’re stuck with propping it up. If they got careless at handling it, the sheet could tear apart. That’s why, everyone was being very cautious when they reached this point.

Boys were reckless in nature so few of them considered the risk. They're just too lucky that none seemed to break the tent supplied to them. Girls, on the other hand, were mostly meticulous.

If they need clarification, they'd rather get assistance from someone who knows how to do it better.

That's the reason why my assistance was welcomed by the others.

Getting close to me was just a plus.

Ah. Right. As another comparison, unlike boys, it's quite rare for girls to be deluded just because a guy was kind to them.

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