With my urging, I lulled Shizu to sleep after that. She’s just forcing herself awake, perhaps influenced by the heat of the moment that had yet to die down and her excitement. Likewise, after watching her sleeping face and listening to her silent snores, I also closed my eyes to take a nap.
I’m aware. After everything that happened to me today, my body was also in its exhausted state. It’s just that I can always make myself look energized in front of my girls. Moreover, spending time with them was always relaxing and comforting. Just seeing their smiles was enough for my fatigue to lessen. And that’s why I had no problem keeping going even after all that.
But now that we’re lying on this bed with my girl sleeping next to me, the fatigue broke free from its prison, engulfing my whole body...
I probably dreamt of something great during the short time that I closed my eyes. I found myself grinning pleasantly when I opened my eyes again, after all.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: