
Maintained Distance

“Onoda-kun, is he still there?” Fuyu eventually whispered.

Because she never tried to look back and check on the guy bothering her, Fuyu relied on me for the update.

Well, what else could he do when the girl openly ran up to me? He had already walked away after he weighed his choices on whether to confront me or not.

Good choice, I must say. Even if beating him up might result in us getting kicked out of this place, it would still be worth it if it meant Fuyu’s peace of mind.

Anyway, the girl’s head was probably filled with other thoughts at that moment. She didn’t hear his footsteps nor the sound he made when he clicked his tongue.

Fuyu simply let herself be lost in the comfort of my arms. At least, that’s how I saw it. It might just be my assumption though but eh... there’s no reason to voice it out.

“Nope. He already walked away. You can relax now.” I answered as I tried to fix her hair, tucking the loose strands behind her ears.


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