As seconds passed the noise coming from outside had gradually become rowdier. Continuous knocks started echoing along with the voices of Marika’s followers calling out her name over and over.
Marika could hear them as well but her concentration was all on me. She’d rather lay down with me than deal with them. Besides, she did mention that the Club President has a key to the room. Most likely, knocking and calling out to her was just their attempt to make some noise. Or at the very least, unnerve me.
Yep. They’re not daring enough to walk in on us. It’s just a guess on my part but it’s probably to save themselves from dealing with what they’re going to witness. Or maybe, it was their last bit of loyalty to the girl. Whichever the case, the most important is... it’s working in our favor.
Since they wouldn’t come in, it gave us the golden opportunity to just be all over each other. With how much Marika loves kisses, our lips were locked with each other for most of the time.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: