

Buying me a tennis racket was definitely not what I was expecting when I encouraged Akane last night to take it up as a hobby.

However, knowing how her mind works, the girl possibly thought that it could be another way for us to spend our time together. And with Fuyu also put into the picture, my silly wife was still intent on pushing her best friend to me.

I had no idea if Fuyu picked up on that or not. But considering she was also smiling from her seat as she watched me open the obvious present, it’s safe to say that the girl also welcomed the idea of being able to play with me.

A few seconds later, I unwrapped the tennis racket that was still in its bag. Pulling it out of the bag, a black tennis racket with a blue handle appeared in my eyes. Since it’s still brand new, no scratch could be seen on its surface.

Holding it in my right hand, I raised it up and looked at the two girls while putting on a rather conceited smirk.


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