
It's you!

No matter how I squeezed what little sense of familiarity I got from seeing this ribbon girl, nothing clicked. And from that alone, I became certain that she was not someone I stole before.

Even with a disguise, Hifumi only took a short time to discern my identity back then. And today, although I may have changed a lot in terms of my external image, I’m still the same guy. It’s impossible for the girls who became a part of my past not to recognize me.

Ah well, if I made them traumatized and they vowed to forget about me then that’s possible.

However, this girl in front of me was genuinely puzzled about whether we have met before or not. She probably even waited somewhere to ambush me like this.

Really strange. It’s not some kind of pick-up line, is it?

“Uhm. What do you mean by that?” I eventually replied which made the girl back away for a moment to contemplate how to answer my question.


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