

‘Why are popular guys like him so competent?’ was a question that shouldn’t even be asked. The answer was too obvious, after all. Yet, I heard some boys, not particularly the ones who openly hated me, murmur to themselves when I passed by them. Of course, there was the follow-up of ‘I wish I can do that as well', fully exposing what was really beneath that envy.

They couldn't be the same as me so all they could do was wish for it.

For those kinds of people, the best way to deal with them was just to continue normally. Either they would soon get tired of feeling that way and do some effort themselves or simply continue deluding themselves that they could change their situation without taking initiative.

In any case, if I was the Ruki of last year, I would probably do everything to stay out of the spotlight. Not that I experienced that situation myself but it’s the kind of observation I picked up when I stayed under the radar by doing everything in secret.


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