
Checking Messages

Eguchi-sensei’s answer naturally brought a smile to my face, enough for me to almost lose my reason, attempting to kiss her right at that moment.

Thankfully, I managed to hold out at the last second.

However, that didn’t change the fact that I pushed in dangerously close to her.

With only a distance of a few centimeters, our noses touched and our eyes locked into each other. Spending a few seconds in that state, the two of us somehow exchanged breaths; I inhaled what she exhaled and vice versa.

Well, her breath was tasty enough that an image of what she ate for lunch popped into my mind. And surely, she’s the same.

Due to that, the two of us laughed at each other, forgetting the situation that we were in. Or maybe, we were of the same mind in deciding not to pursue what could’ve happened if one of us traversed that little distance.


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