
Former Coach

A kiss has the power to make someone stumped or speechless. I mean, it’s literally covering someone else’s lips with yours. If the one you kissed could still talk after that, he or she would have a great future as a ventriloquist.

Anyway, while it is that powerful, what happens next depends on who you kissed. Is it a loved one? A friend? Or a stranger? From those three, every outcome is possible.

Your loved one will definitely accept it unless you upset him or her prior to it. Or the kiss will write off whatever you did to make that loved one upset.

A friend will also accept it If he or she was hiding feelings for you. If there's none, maybe you should prepare for a slap, breaking off your friendship or leveling up from that.

Uh… Actually, I'm not sure. I'm inexperienced in that regard.

As for a stranger, that’s fixed fifty-fifty. And it won’t be because a stranger will either accept it or not. It actually depends on your appearance.


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