

Having gotten consent to take a photo, albeit wordlessly, Koizumi-san used that opportunity to ask me to pose by her instructions.

Yep. In a way, I somehow became her model for the duration of this visit to the clothing store. Although the store wasn’t an expensive brand and, in fact, just a rather small clothing line with way cheaper products, the number of customers browsing inside was more than I expected.

Due to that, when they heard Koizumi-san’s enthusiastic voice as she instructed me to pose for her camera, spectators started to gather around the dressing stall I was in.

Moreover, the employee who had been coaxed by her started bringing more clothes for me to try on. And in fact, most likely noticing the growing commotion, the manager of the store also showed up. However, instead of stopping the sudden pictorial in their store, she joined in on the fun.


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