

Entering the month of June, it marked the start of the gradual transition from spring to summer season. Nonetheless, it’s not as if we’d be facing the extreme heatwaves this early. That still had to wait for the summer vacation. There would be little episodes of rain showers or storms passing by our country first.

Well, as long as it’s not heavy rain along with thunderstorms wherein flood and power outage would be imminent then it’s still fine.

In any case, I mentioned that because they said on the morning news that the chance for rain is high today.

“Here, it’s definitely going to rain so don’t forget your umbrellas. Haruko and Edel too. We have spares so take these.”

Running after us before we left the house, Miwa-nee looked like a very normal housewife worrying over her forgetful children. That put us all in a great mood. Even Edel and Haruko found it endearing.

“Thank you!” Edel and Haruko pleasantly smiled as they received the umbrellas.


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