

When it came to academics, I knew that I am average at best. Ever since my desire manifested, I only studied and scored enough to not get a failing mark. And that was because supplementary lessons were something I was trying to avoid. It could ruin my plans on how to steal a target.

Surely, I could also deliberately fail my exams if the necessity arrived. For example, if my target also flunked, taking the supplementary lessons would allow me to have a chance to meet her. But as far as I remembered, at least, to those who I targeted, none of them was that bad at academics.

Anyway, now that I started focusing on getting high marks, I became aware of which subjects I was weak at.

In this review session, Ria, Eimi and Akane helped me with both Math and Science. The previous review sessions for the past three days or even the one we held at Satsuki’s house also helped. And since I specifically asked her, Aoi helped me with Social Studies.

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