As I wasn’t always around this neighborhood, I had no idea what the authorities near this place were doing. Clearly, they’re neglecting their duties in cleaning up places like this. However, if put in their shoes I could understand their plight.
Even if they cleaned this place up, idiots like this group would just find another place to infest next. And given time, if they stopped focusing here, they would just return. Furthermore, they could just evade the patrol times. In the end, there’s truly no cure for them unless they put them behind bars or reform them to become law-abiding citizens.
But judging from their uniforms, they’re probably around one or two years older than me. Even if they put them into a juvenile detention facility after apprehending them for public disturbance, they’d still be freed given time.
I mean, unless they did a grave crime and were fully convicted for it, they’d just continue throwing their weight around, scaring or picking on other people.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: