
I have no time for this...

At the end of the club hours, I escorted Shizu to the Student Support Club but before that, I waited until we were alone in the room before giving her the present I prepared.

She had the same reaction as the others upon seeing it. Confusion.

Nonetheless, Shizu's lips stretched into a delightful smile upon taking a peek at it before carefully putting it on an empty space in the glass cabinet where the tea set was being kept.

It’s another cheap present, of course. It’s also not customized. Just a simple pair of teacups that we could use whenever I was here.

Honestly, I also got Mina the same present just with a different design. They both love their teas. Shizu was now enjoying drinking tea with me while Mina already made it a habit to brew one for me whenever I would visit her in the club. I’m no longer a mere taste tester. With her admittance of her feelings for me, my visits became more special.


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