

“Wait until we see the sun peeking out from out there.” I pointed into the horizon which then made Nao follow it with her eyes and repeat the same words she just uttered pertaining to the glistening ocean. She then nodded her head energetically, looking forward to what awaits us in less than an hour.

Honestly, I only saw that kind of scene through a television. Or more specifically, from a movie that was aired on TV. Who knows? Most likely, they only simulated it rather than capturing the real thing.

In any case, that’s unimportant. Today, we’re going to greet the new day together.


The sound of the bristling wind echoed through our ears along with the sound of tidal waves hitting the beach. From what I saw, the tide was still high. As the day and the sun eventually greets us, that will slowly subside, showing us the beauty of this place in its full glory.

While waiting for Shio to park the car, Nao, who was already excited, rolled down the window.


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