I might not know where Hana is currently but certainly, there’s a certain silly girl who probably had an idea.
Well, there’s also a possibility that she had no idea. Perhaps my parents do but I better not give this girl false hope. Besides, although I’m a bit thrilled to wonder how Hana is nowadays, I don’t think it’s right for me to seek her out myself. If she’s already living normally and away from the abnormal me, then that’s great for her.
As for Chii, I saw no point in lying to Hifumi about the fake gyaru. We’re in the same city, they’d meet eventually. Besides, I really wanted to do something for this girl. Although I could say that it’s not for atonement for making her cry back then, favoring and helping her still boils down to it.
They both have social media but because Chii changed her surname, they couldn’t find each other or they both didn’t look further enough. Either way, I showed Hifumi Chii’s account. In the process, I also got added by her too.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: