

With the appearance of Vice President Inugaki, I instinctively moved to cover Shizu from his eyes. I pushed her head down to my chest and tightly embraced her, not even letting her turn around and look at him.

I told her to leave it to me so… that’s what I would do. Besides, Shizu was still in the middle of recovering from her climax as well as the panic that set in when Watanabe and her boyfriend opened the door.

Honestly, what I really didn’t want him to see was Shizu’s dreamy expression. She’s still as red as earlier and there’s the hint of sexiness and eroticism from her. That’s something I wouldn’t let anyone see, especially this dog of a Vice President.

That’s why I sent him a mocking smirk, nailing at the point that Shizu is already mine.

He called me an animal but his roar sounded like the defeated barking of a dog. I could only laugh at it.


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