
Opened Dam

By the time Saki and I left the abandoned club room and the Club Building, Shio’s car was nowhere to be found.

When I checked my phone, Aya messaged me that they’re already on their way. A picture was even attached to it. Aya was sitting at the passenger’s seat while Satsuki and Shizu were in the backseat with both of them staring out the windows at each side.

Just seeing how Aya was the only one who was slightly smiling, the girl was probably feeling the awkwardness of the situation.

Due to that, while we’re traversing the few steps out of the school, I messaged all four of them in that car, including the driver, Shio.

Although she wouldn’t be able to read it instantly, I just want her to read something that would be able to put a smile on her lips later.

Following that, I put my phone back to bring Saki to the place where Nami and the others should be waiting.

Next chapter