
What is this situation?

Naturally, the two girls were confused from what I said, their eyes both turned towards me and to answer them, I gestured to the two moving in our direction.

Upon seeing them, Himeko held onto the sleeve of my shirt, indicating that she’s somewhat intimidated by them. As for Itou, she had her eyebrows lifted as she appeared ready to duke it out with the two. She’s already used to dealing with boys her age and perhaps adult men due to how she’s already managing that big hotel.

That’s why this level of men wasn’t enough to intimidate her. And that’s why she’s openly showing me her hatred to me. She's thinking that it would be enough to make me take a step back.

Unfortunately, that kind of reaction was easily deflected by the two. Since I guessed that they’re more or less a host from a host club that catered to lonely women, they had their experience with girls.

But really? They’re also going after a high schooler, huh? Or is it just a game for them?


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