

When I returned to the Club Building, my feet instantly led me to the Book Club. Checking in to see Haruko, Aya and Himeko before going next door to test Mina's new tea recipe.

Well, they’re doing a club activity for once. Although there’s Himeko as an observer, those Book-reading Machines were neatly seated in a circle where they’re giving a summary of the books they recently finished.

Although they appear to be nerds, they don't seem to be that bright… The only common thing about them was their fondness over books. When it was Aya’s turn, all of them choked on their saliva and as if they’re looking at a blinding light, they all covered their eyes. That’s how much brilliance the enthusiastic book lover like Aya was exuding. And unlike them, Aya could clearly remember the important points of the book she was reading.

In any case, watching that girl being more enthusiastic about something she clearly loves was a sight I would always long to see.

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